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Old 06-19-2008, 10:21 AM
Oneness Man

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Re: Witchcraft = medication

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Who do you know in this day and age that is as close to God as Peter was?
No one is, but it doesn't have to be this way. It's by the choices that people make why it isn't this way. They are too busy doing other things that they don't have much time for God. It's the way of the world.
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Old 06-19-2008, 10:28 AM
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Re: Witchcraft = medication

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Ya know, Ferd, I am going to tell you the same thing I told TRFrance last night. I am getting sick to death of discussing things with you when you feel the need to throw some insults into the conversation all the time.
Rico, you are finding an insult where none was given.

beleive me. If I wanted to insult you, It wouldnt be hard. I have a much too sharp tongue....

I was simply saying in as few words as possible that, that none of us can figure out God, and that where your confusion is concerned, Bro, I cant help you there.

Ive tried to be as clear as possible. I know what I said and it is pretty clear in my own head. if your confused, Im sorry. I have neither time nor inclination to restate it all.....

peace to you my friend...
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Old 06-19-2008, 10:40 AM
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Re: Witchcraft = medication

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Oh, I wasn't just referring to Ferd. I know what it's like to have a child be deathly ill. Not just a cold or the flu, but actually in a life or death situation.

In fact, when I was 2, I nearly died because my father was holding out for my healing. My grandpa finally took me to the hospital without my father's consent. I was unconscious at the time, and barely breathing. My grandparents were godly, praying people who trusted God and saw many healings in their lifetime. But they had some wisdom, thank God.
Sister, I have been down the no doctors road of faith, and believe me, it ain't all it's cracked up to be. We got into a car accident when my oldest daughter was almost three years old. Because of our beliefs against going to doctors, none of us went to the emergency room that night. When we woke up the next morning our daughter's ankles were black and blue. I had to take her to the ER at that point. It turned out that both her legs were broken.

Believe me when I tell you that I felt like I had let God down by going to see that doctor. It wasn't until somewhere around the middle of all that we had been going through with getting her legs healed up that I realized that I hadn't let God down and He hadn't let me down either. My faith was in Him through the whole thing, from start to finish.

With that said, it still doesn't change the fact that our first choice when it comes to our health should be Jesus; not science, not medicine, not anything but the Lord. Our first thought needs to be towards him and not the doctors. That is not to say not to go to the doctor, mind you. It's just to say that our trust needs to be in Jesus before the doctors. Are you getting where I am coming from?
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Old 06-19-2008, 10:45 AM
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Re: Witchcraft = medication

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
Rico, you are finding an insult where none was given.

beleive me. If I wanted to insult you, It wouldnt be hard. I have a much too sharp tongue....

I was simply saying in as few words as possible that, that none of us can figure out God, and that where your confusion is concerned, Bro, I cant help you there.

Ive tried to be as clear as possible. I know what I said and it is pretty clear in my own head. if your confused, Im sorry. I have neither time nor inclination to restate it all.....

peace to you my friend...
Ferd, you may be right. I've been a little touchy lately on insults. I am getting to the point where I don't see what the point is in talking to people who aren't happy unless they throw in their little digs here and there. I jumped the gun with you. Sorry about that.
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Old 06-19-2008, 10:47 AM
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Re: Witchcraft = medication

Originally Posted by Oneness Man View Post
No one is, but it doesn't have to be this way. It's by the choices that people make why it isn't this way. They are too busy doing other things that they don't have much time for God. It's the way of the world.
Well, Brother, Peter had an advantage. He did get to walk on water ya know. I've tried it several times and all I do is sink. lol
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Old 06-19-2008, 10:50 AM
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Re: Witchcraft = medication

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Well, Brother, Peter had an advantage. He did get to walk on water ya know. I've tried it several times and all I do is sink. lol
By the way, the following post was dead on accurate:

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
OM, I don't pretend to know all the answers on this issue. I will, however, say that there is a fine line between trusting God and not trusting God when it comes to the use of medicine, in my opinion. It's easy to boldly proclaim that God doesn't need the help of medicine. It's not so easy to actually live that belief out when faced with life threatening illness. Thank God that His grace is sufficient to carry us through, regardless of which direction we take when it's our turn to face that fork in the road.

I would just add that I dont think God is really happy with us when we claim faith over medicine when medicine will fix a problem.

I really dont. some here will differ in their view but thats how I feel about it.
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Old 06-19-2008, 12:06 PM
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Re: Witchcraft = medication

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
I would just add that I dont think God is really happy with us when we claim faith over medicine when medicine will fix a problem.

I really dont. some here will differ in their view but thats how I feel about it.
{Note: no use of UPPERCASE lettering is intended as shouting...only for EMPHASIS}
Since I am probably one who woud be easily identifiable among folks who 'differ' with you, I want to amplify a specific aspect of this conversation. This thought was immediately prompted when Renda dropped her little bomb by posting an article about a dead child thanks to faith-healer tactics gone bad (I woud insert a cute emoticon but nothing feels cute to me at all).

[this is NOT written to FERD, it just my open expression]
FAITH is not guess work, hoping, wishing upon a star, clicking your heals together, repeating just the right string of words, OR ANY SUCH THING.

Faith is the SUBSTANCE that something hoped for IS COMING.
Its the EVIDENCE that something presently NOT SEEN is already DONE/ACCOMPLISHED.

Faith is not being witnessed in operation when someone sees joe-preacher-dude doing something to see somebody get healed because he is a HEALER. If joe-preacher heard God speak healing for this need, then joe-preacher is manifesting the operation of a faith-based event, otherwise, joe-preacher is simply guessing, hoping, wishing upon a star, clicking his heals together, playing a hunch, hoping for a statistical possibility, etc.

If God has manifested the act of his hand in some circumstance in your life that has NOT YET BEEN seen, his revealing of this to you will be your spiritual communion with his utterance, his reymah experienced in your spirit....THAT IS FAITH. You, the faith participant, will now be the benefactor of a communication with a God whose speaking produces outcomes that are CERTAIN. Our priviledge is to be involved, through comprehending his purposes by our experiencing his utterance.

For me, this topic is all about WHERE our CONFIDENCE is established. Then, possessing any specific confidence, how we ACT while waiting for it to be manifested in the SEEN world.

[back to talking to FERD]
It appears to me (PLEASE correct me if I am wrong here), that YOU FERD, have YOUR CONFIDENCE established in a view that God has quickened men's minds to invent synthethic chemical compounds as a means for his[God's] own manifestation of his will to HEAL. This is where I differ with you.

Whether or not my confidence was in the manner I have attributed to you above (rightly or wrongly), OF COURSE I would give thanks to my God if my baby who suffered an infirmity...no longer does. My response is NOT LINKED to the means, or whoever's will constructed the means.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
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Old 06-19-2008, 12:14 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Witchcraft = medication

Originally Posted by tbpew View Post
{Note: no use of UPPERCASE lettering is intended as shouting...only for EMPHASIS}
Since I am probably one who woud be easily identifiable among folks who 'differ' with you, I want to amplify a specific aspect of this conversation. This thought was immediately prompted when Renda dropped her little bomb by posting an article about a dead child thanks to faith-healer tactics gone bad (I woud insert a cute emoticon but nothing feels cute to me at all).

[this is note written to FERD, it just my open expression]
FAITH is not guess work, hoping, wishing upon a star, clicking your heals together, repeating just the right string of words, OR ANY SUCH THING.

Faith is the SUBSTANCE that something hoped for IS COMING.
Its the EVIDENCE that something presently NOT SEEN is already DONE/ACCOMPLISHED.

Faith is not being witnessed in operation when someone sees joe-preacher-dude doing something to see somebody get healed because he is a HEALER. If joe-preacher heard God speak healing for this need, then joe-preacher is manifesting the operation of a faith-based event, otherwise, joe-preacher is simply guessing, hoping, wishing upon a star, clicking his heals together, playing a hunch, hoping for a statistical possibility, etc.

If God has manifested the act of his hand in some circumstance in your life that has NOT YET BEEN seen, his revealing of this to you will be your spiritual communion with his utterance, his reymah experienced in your spirit....THAT IS FAITH. You, the faith participant, will now be the benefactor of a communication with a God whose speaking produces outcomes that are CERTAIN. Our priviledge is to be involved by comprehending by our experience with his utterance.

For me, this topic is all about WHERE our CONFIDENCE is established. Then, possessing any specific confidence, how we ACT while waiting for it to be manifested in the SEEN world.

[back to talking to FERD]
It appears to me (PLEASE correct me if I am wrong here), that YOU FERD, have YOUR CONFIDENCE established a view that God has quickened men's minds to invent synthethic chemical compounds as a means for his[God's] own manifestation of his will to HEAL. This is where I differ with you.

Whether or not my confidence was in the manner I have attributed to you above (rightly or wrongly), OF COURSE I would give thanks to my God if my baby who suffered an infirmity...no longer does. My response is NOT LINKED to the means, or whoever's will constructed the means.
Yo, Pew. This is America. Speak Spanish like the rest of us, so we can understand what you're saying without getting a headache. Ay, ay, ay!!
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Old 06-19-2008, 12:14 PM
Oneness Man

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Re: Witchcraft = medication

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
By the way, the following post was dead on accurate:

I would just add that I dont think God is really happy with us when we claim faith over medicine when medicine will fix a problem.

I really dont. some here will differ in their view but thats how I feel about it.
Well Ferd,

I don't think that God is happy with us that are in bondage to medication.
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Old 06-19-2008, 12:18 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Witchcraft = medication

Originally Posted by Oneness Man View Post
Well Ferd,

I don't think that God is happy with us that are in bondage to medication.
He doesn't see it as being in bondage, OM. He sees it more along the lines that God has given man the ability to create these medicines, so we should take advantage of that fact and take meds when we need them. At least I think that's where he's coming from.
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