Originally Posted by Scott Hutchinson
Did not Paul tell Timothy to use a little wine for stomach medicine ?
Wine is good for your health in moderation and their isn't nothing wrong with it unless you get drunk on it.
Did not DR. Luke probaly use ancient forms of medicine perhaps ?
The Bible doesn't say, but we could give our opinion that it could be a possibility.
Does not laughter doeth good like medicine, the books says.
Yes, but what does it actually mean?
I see a big difference between Methand Aspirin.
And there are medications out there just as strong as Meth.
Taking something for medical reasons,and taking something to get a fix is vastly different.
Taking medications the rest of your life is something that God doesn't want, but Apostolics are doing it. This is a pill world and that is why the pharmaceutical companies are making a killing, because it is a multi-billion dollar industry.