Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
If weathering the storm is the objective than fine.
Yet this type of stat reporting has been going on for years Deanna.
PP is fed up ... I believe w/ an established pattern throughout the org of mis-representing deeper issues ...
In over a decade the org may have a net gain of 800 plus ministers ...
Now when I was in the org .... for almost 30 years we were always told about explosive growth and yet one never got the full picture.
This is symptomatic of a bigger problem that is decades old.
Dan, I don't know everything that goes on in this organization, nor do I want to. And a lot of what I do know, doesn't make me happy. I think I have been pretty clear in that past that I am not a hard-liner by any means.
But, this thread was posted regarding the WD, which I am currently a part of. Whether or not it should have been is a moot point now. Pretty much immediately it became target practice.
Some comments were made about the distribution of the information, which I thought needed to be clarified. Also, comments were made that seem to target people that I know as liars. Should I just have kept my mouth shut on this stuff, as I typically do?
I have never made my self out to be a cheerleader for the UPC, and I never will. However, I do like fairness, and the thread seemed a little out of whack in that department. Carry-on..