Re: CA. Western Dist.aftermath of WPF- hardly a de
Originally Posted by lad
I was there also.... and have been for 25+ years.... The only difference is the last couple of years they have went back to the original seating/platform arrangement - It's still packed!
Re: CA. Western Dist.aftermath of WPF- hardly a de
Originally Posted by lad
I was there also.... and have been for 25+ years.... The only difference is the last couple of years they have went back to the original seating/platform arrangement - It's still packed!
Re: CA. Western Dist.aftermath of WPF- hardly a de
Originally Posted by George
By the mouth of two or three witnesses....
Well.....(a deep subject for such a shallow mind) This was my first time in attendance, so I can't argue with all you experts. I can only quote my source who planned/hosted the event in the past.
Re: CA. Western Dist.aftermath of WPF- hardly a de
Originally Posted by bishoph
Well.....(a deep subject for such a shallow mind) This was my first time in attendance, so I can't argue with all you experts. I can only quote my source who planned/hosted the event in the past.
So you were there, too? What did you think of the conference? I heard the preaching was off the hook.
Re: CA. Western Dist.aftermath of WPF- hardly a de
Originally Posted by bishoph
With all due respect, according to my insider reports (I have very "close" contact with those who planned and hosted this event for several years) I was told that the seating this year was only about half of what it has been up until now.
Depends on what night. I was there the last night and it was packed almost full
I was there tuesday and the bottem part was packed with the upper part half full
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
The Apostolic congregation I attend in the SoCal District has two foreign language congregations which worship on Sundays in the main sanctuary after the morning English-language services conclude. These foreign language congregations (Spanish and Punjabi) would be daughter works, except that they are unable to secure property for their services.
Could the roller-coaster real estate market here in California be directly affecting the growth of the number of churches in the Western District? Just a thought...
I’m not a scholar, just a crazy Jewish Believer who wants to see no one deceived and everyone saved.
Shalom uv’racha b’shem Yeshua Mishikheinu!
Peace and blessings unto you in the Name of Yeshua, Our Messiah!
Re: CA. Western Dist.aftermath of WPF- hardly a de
Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
Both statements are patently false.
How can the loss of Godair, Booker and Wilson be considered unimportant?
I mean, I totally disagree with their theology, but the guys were titans of the UPC.
To certain groups of people. In CA, the Wilsons certainly have a large church and a following, however on a district level, they have for the most part been non-participants for quite a while. I am not criticizing that, just stating the way I have observed things.