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Old 06-02-2008, 06:28 PM
Newman Newman is offline
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Re: Uncut Hair!Houston chronicle interview w/KenGu

I haven't read this thread but I don't think its a positive for Pentecost when the Texas Chronicle runs a story about Pentecostal hair in comparison to the polygamists.

The Texas Chronicle has been particularly negative towards the polygamists and one might assume that readers either reflect or direct the stance the paper has taken.

This polygamist drama has put a bad taste in people's mouths for blind group obedience to leader/organization-decreed dogma in the name of religion. I doubt that too many people outside of Pentecost are comfortable with uncut hair as a symbol of women's reverence to God.

I don't believe it was ever the intent of Scripture for men or women to define their relationship with God by their hair. But rather in context; it was about acting within the scope of one's culture so as not to bring dishonor to God.

Associtation with polygamists at this juncture based on hair is the opposite of what Paul had in mind. imo
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Old 06-02-2008, 07:19 PM
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Re: Uncut Hair!Houston chronicle interview w/KenGu

Originally Posted by Newman View Post
I haven't read this thread but I don't think its a positive for Pentecost when the Texas Chronicle runs a story about Pentecostal hair in comparison to the polygamists.

The Texas Chronicle has been particularly negative towards the polygamists and one might assume that readers either reflect or direct the stance the paper has taken.

This polygamist drama has put a bad taste in people's mouths for blind group obedience to leader/organization-decreed dogma in the name of religion. I doubt that too many people outside of Pentecost are comfortable with uncut hair as a symbol of women's reverence to God.

I don't believe it was ever the intent of Scripture for men or women to define their relationship with God by their hair. But rather in context; it was about acting within the scope of one's culture so as not to bring dishonor to God.

Associtation with polygamists at this juncture based on hair is the opposite of what Paul had in mind. imo
Shun the very appearance of evil. Time for a hair cut ladies, and hopefully a correct understanding of 1 Cor 11...which in no way forbids a women to trim or cut some of the length of her hair.
God has lavished his love upon me.
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Old 06-04-2008, 03:15 PM
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Re: Uncut Hair!Houston chronicle interview w/KenGu

Originally Posted by freeatlast View Post
Shun the very appearance of evil. Time for a hair cut ladies, and hopefully a correct understanding of 1 Cor 11...which in no way forbids a women to trim or cut some of the length of her hair.
::win aa
Oh well, that's the way I see it!
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Old 02-23-2013, 09:26 AM
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Re: Uncut Hair!Houston chronicle interview w/KenGu

Pentecostal teachers are, in my estimation, skilled at "tricky wording." The Pastor mentioned in the article doesn't come out directly and address the question of "cutting" hair (any length) but states that many different lengths of hair are apparent in his congregation. I also notice he mentions "holiness heritage." In other words, TRADITION. The Pentecostals came out of the Holiness Movement, and to this day, the Trinitarian, non believers in speaking in tongues churches, have the exact same "look" that OP's have. I have had to ask "holiness" women at times where they went to church, because I mistook them for UPC ladies.

When I saw the polygamy wives from the cult of Warren Jeffs' on TV they looked EXACTLY like the women I met back in the late 1960's in an Apostolic Church pastored by a minister my Pastor fellowshipped. From their hair-do's to their dresses to their chunky shoes! Bill O'Reilly on FOX News called them "kooky" looking women. It's all a part of "subjugating" women. It's a CULT look, and I see it as ABUSE!

It's high time, in my estimation, that church people take another look at the scripture passages, used by OP's/Apostolics to teach "standards", and examine these texts on their own two feet. What the OP's/Apostolics are teaching on "standards" was simply carried forward from the Holiness Movement into the Pentecostal Movement, but there has been new study and research on these passages since the Holiness Movement!

Go here: www.studyholiness.com

Last edited by comeasyouare; 02-23-2013 at 09:30 AM.
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Old 02-23-2013, 10:08 AM
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Re: Uncut Hair!Houston chronicle interview w/KenGu

Originally Posted by comeasyouare View Post
Pentecostal teachers are, in my estimation, skilled at "tricky wording." The Pastor mentioned in the article doesn't come out directly and address the question of "cutting" hair (any length) but states that many different lengths of hair are apparent in his congregation. I also notice he mentions "holiness heritage." In other words, TRADITION. The Pentecostals came out of the Holiness Movement, and to this day, the Trinitarian, non believers in speaking in tongues churches, have the exact same "look" that OP's have. I have had to ask "holiness" women at times where they went to church, because I mistook them for UPC ladies.

When I saw the polygamy wives from the cult of Warren Jeffs' on TV they looked EXACTLY like the women I met back in the late 1960's in an Apostolic Church pastored by a minister my Pastor fellowshipped. From their hair-do's to their dresses to their chunky shoes! Bill O'Reilly on FOX News called them "kooky" looking women. It's all a part of "subjugating" women. It's a CULT look, and I see it as ABUSE!

It's high time, in my estimation, that church people take another look at the scripture passages, used by OP's/Apostolics to teach "standards", and examine these texts on their own two feet. What the OP's/Apostolics are teaching on "standards" was simply carried forward from the Holiness Movement into the Pentecostal Movement, but there has been new study and research on these passages since the Holiness Movement!

Go here: www.studyholiness.com
Only in Holiness Churches will you find this. What are you saying that you "saw" non hioliness people that looked the same.
Ever look at a Bill Gaither Video? The womem there look like they had a terrible accident on the way to the taping with a Maybeline & Max Factor truck, as well as a truck carrying scissors.
I know up in Canada, mainstream & Charasmatic Churches are in trouble because while they may have the numbers & money & buildings--there is a shallow presence of God.
It is more about entertainment, & anything goes. You a believer? Lead the choir. You knpow how to sing? Why not do a special.
I know someone who is Apostolic & has his own Interconnect business.
One of his clients is the PAOC sister organization to AOG.
One of the Elders at their Bible college was unburdening himself saying that, by & large they haven't had a move of God in their assemblies since the seventies. He also said that the Bible College students, you know the ones who are supposed to be future Pastors & Leaders?
They go clubbing on the weekends.

There is a difference!
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Old 02-23-2013, 10:23 AM
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Re: Uncut Hair!Houston chronicle interview w/KenGu

Originally Posted by Ron View Post
Only in Holiness Churches will you find this. What are you saying that you "saw" non hioliness people that looked the same.
Ever look at a Bill Gaither Video? The womem there look like they had a terrible accident on the way to the taping with a Maybeline & Max Factor truck, as well as a truck carrying scissors.
I know up in Canada, mainstream & Charasmatic Churches are in trouble because while they may have the numbers & money & buildings--there is a shallow presence of God.
It is more about entertainment, & anything goes. You a believer? Lead the choir. You knpow how to sing? Why not do a special.
I know someone who is Apostolic & has his own Interconnect business.
One of his clients is the PAOC sister organization to AOG.
One of the Elders at their Bible college was unburdening himself saying that, by & large they haven't had a move of God in their assemblies since the seventies. He also said that the Bible College students, you know the ones who are supposed to be future Pastors & Leaders?
They go clubbing on the weekends.

There is a difference!
Ron something in my spirit has not set right about you and I could not place my finger on it. You are the holiness patrol.
Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. (Romans 14:4)

Scripture is its own interpreter. Nothing can cut a diamond but a diamond. Nothing can interpret Scripture but Scripture" Thomas Watson.
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Old 02-23-2013, 10:30 AM
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Re: Uncut Hair!Houston chronicle interview w/KenGu

Originally Posted by navygoat1998 View Post
Ron something in my spirit has not set right about you and I could not place my finger on it. You are the holiness patrol.
Hey Bro. you outa pull out the Bible & read it. I only post what is in the Bible & if I ever say, tell you that you should eat twinkies & wear blue jeans, then you would have grounds to complain.
If I post Bible principals & yiou get upset, you need to ask yourself--why?
I am just one man, if I am wrong (I don't believe I am) that is no threat to you is it?
If it is Bible, well, that is another story.
I just am puzzled at why you think I am such a threat to you, that's all.
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Old 02-23-2013, 10:45 AM
followingJesus followingJesus is offline
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Re: Uncut Hair!Houston chronicle interview w/KenGu

Originally Posted by Ron View Post
Only in Holiness Churches will you find this. What are you saying that you "saw" non hioliness people that looked the same.
Ever look at a Bill Gaither Video? The womem there look like they had a terrible accident on the way to the taping with a Maybeline & Max Factor truck, as well as a truck carrying scissors.
I know up in Canada, mainstream & Charasmatic Churches are in trouble because while they may have the numbers & money & buildings--there is a shallow presence of God.
It is more about entertainment, & anything goes. You a believer? Lead the choir. You knpow how to sing? Why not do a special.
I know someone who is Apostolic & has his own Interconnect business.
One of his clients is the PAOC sister organization to AOG.
One of the Elders at their Bible college was unburdening himself saying that, by & large they haven't had a move of God in their assemblies since the seventies. He also said that the Bible College students, you know the ones who are supposed to be future Pastors & Leaders?
They go clubbing on the weekends.

There is a difference!
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Old 02-23-2013, 10:46 AM
Barb Barb is offline
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Re: Uncut Hair!Houston chronicle interview w/KenGu

Originally Posted by Ron View Post
Hey Bro. you outa pull out the Bible & read it. I only post what is in the Bible & if I ever say, tell you that you should eat twinkies & wear blue jeans, then you would have grounds to complain.
If I post Bible principals & yiou get upset, you need to ask yourself--why?
I am just one man, if I am wrong (I don't believe I am) that is no threat to you is it?
If it is Bible, well, that is another story.
I just am puzzled at why you think I am such a threat to you, that's all.
Did I miss something in his post?

I took it as a joke rather than a threat...
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Old 02-23-2013, 10:49 AM
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Re: Uncut Hair!Houston chronicle interview w/KenGu

Originally Posted by Barb View Post
Did I miss something in his post?

I took it as a joke rather than a threat...
You tell me!
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