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Old 05-27-2008, 02:25 PM
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Re: Ms Brattfield

Originally Posted by Dr. Vaughn View Post
In the state that he's referencing her... stripping and seducing men... he was exactly right.. in that form she is the lowest creature on earth.......
Dr. Vaughn, I read the entire sermon. He believes that women ARE the lowest creature on the earth. Period. He also says they can choose to rise above that state. I don't believe women are the "lowest creatures", in the sense that they are any lower than men. ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God, men and women alike. The Bible does NOT support that point.

Also, he implies in his sermon that women are lower creatures, [sl*ts] because they have the ability to have intimate relations with a man at "any time" as opposed to animals who only do it certain times of the year for the sake of reproduction. And that is just the tip of the heinous Branhamism iceberg.

Just read Proverbs to find out the same thing....

but what you failed to quote from Bro. Branham.. and its sooo sad

"a sanctified woman, a godly woman in her home, loving her husband and her children, no greater jewel in the earth than a spirit filled woman"

it's amazing when people are honest and quote BOTH sides of the equation how the true balance can be found...
I am very honest in my conversations, and if you'll notice, I recommended that Nina read for herself, and provided the link.

By the way, I am not objecting to every statement William Branham has ever said. LOL! I would not take the time to object to something that agrees with scripture, such as the quote you provided above. Nor have I indicated that I think he never said anything of value. The greatest lies are woven skillfully into truth.

Do you not agree.. that a woman using her body to seduce a married man away from him family is the lowest creature on earth..... if you don't I know lots of women who WOULD agree
I agree that sin makes anyone a "low" creature. But I certainly would not chalk an adulteress down as being "lower" than a man who would abandon his lovely wife and children for such a woman.
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Old 05-27-2008, 03:58 PM
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Re: "Spiritual Marriages"

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
I know the rest of it, Dr. Vaughn. I don't leave out scripture for my convenience. I was including the part YOU left out.

It says, "Let them depart." But the fact that God wanted them to stay together if at all possible points to His recognition of their union, don't you think? Otherwise, God would be commanding believers to be in fornication.

Nina, if you want to read some of the shocking and horrid teachings of William Branham, start here:

Marriage & Divorce, by William Branham

Here's a quote to get you started:

"...Now, you see the Nicolaitanes; you see their doctrine; you see the teenage queens they call them, these stripteases out on the street. Used to have to go to some vulgar show on the side to see a striptease. Just open your eyes, look out on the street. That's all you have to do now. The whole thing's a striptease. Sure. What do they do it for? To tantalize, tempt; that's the only thing she can do it for. She does it because she's filthy. She does it because she's made that way. She don't realize that she's a instrument in the hands of Satan. That's what she is.
Even in our schools today they're teaching sex acts. Our rotten world of woman worship... I know they don't want to believe that. Stand and sing some kind of hymn, and so forth, on one day and out with women, running around all night long... See? All right. When in God's sight, the Word, she is the lowest of all animals that God put on the earth..."
--William Branham
I thank You!
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Old 05-27-2008, 04:01 PM
OP_Carl OP_Carl is offline
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Re: "Spiritual Marriages"

Originally Posted by OP_Carl View Post
Polygamy can be UN-justified by the OT as well. In the creation, He created them male and female. When God saw that Adam was alone, he made Eve for him. He DID NOT make Eve, Sally, Jane, Daisy, Gertrude, Millicent, Annie, and Molly.
Originally Posted by Nina View Post

This seems to condone Polygamy:

Deuteronomy 21:15-17 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)

15 If a man has two wives, and he loves one but not the other, and both bear him sons but the firstborn is the son of the wife he does not love, 16 when he wills his property to his sons, he must not give the rights of the firstborn to the son of the wife he loves in preference to his actual firstborn, the son of the wife he does not love. 17 He must acknowledge the son of his unloved wife as the firstborn by giving him a double share of all he has. That son is the first sign of his father's strength. The right of the firstborn belongs to him.
Yes, sister, there IS a LOT of stuff in the Penteteuch wherein God, through Moses, deals with the wide variety of impure habits the children of Israel picked up in Egypt.

But if you want to understand the original plan, look at the creation, and consider the calling of Christ: Deny yourself. If a man takes multiple wives, he does so to indulge his flesh, not crucify it.
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Old 05-27-2008, 04:12 PM
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Re: "Spiritual Marriages"

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
The scriptures don't disagree with me, other than to say that the believer should "let them depart." How does that imply that the believer isn't bound to the marriage unless and until the unbelieving spouse leaves them?
It doesn't. You are correct. As usual.

The marriage is still binding, unless and until the unbeliever departs.
Keep in mind that this provision is intended to deal with extreme circumstances, as new conversions of Paul's day created wide cultural divides within the home. This statement was never intended to offer a "penumbra" or loophole to encourage separation, divorce, flirtation, contemplation of alternative, Christian spouses, or re-marriage. Much less polygamy.

Do sinners who are converted have to remarry, in order for God to recognize their union?
God honors principles. The unsaved who give to the widows and fatherless are nevertheless blessed. The unsaved reap what they sow. God honors the institution of marriage whether the participants do or not.
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Old 05-27-2008, 05:21 PM
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Re: "Spiritual Marriages"

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
I don't know how you got the idea "God is disinterested" from what I said. What I said was the choice was "yours" to make. And God is very interested in the choices we make.

The idea that there is someone "out there" that God has chosen for you but that He will not unerringly lead you to seems wrong to me. It seems like God is playing a game if we look at it from this point of view, IMHO. "Guess who I chose for you... guess incorrectly and you may or may not like what's behind Door Number 3! But you gotta live with it because the Almighty won't tell you which door to select!"

If God does have a single "soul mate" selected for just me, and if I did choose "incorrectly" then I should have every reason in the world (and every reason in heaven!) to dump the one I'm stuck with and hook up with the one that I now feel God had chosen for me all along. Of course with me being a simple and fallible man, you would have to just accept the fact that "God's choices" for me tend to get younger and blonder as I get a little older. Eventually I'll find the "right" one and I'll know she's "right" because her freckles will match up to my liver spots.

Of course, this makes a mockery of your point and is no where near what you intended. But my point is that we are freewill agents. I believe that there are personality types that when matched together create real "soul mates..." but - and this is the good news for those who are looking: there are probably a number of people out there who would qualify. I think you should pray and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in making such an important decision. But what this type of prayer usually ends up doing is to show us own own weaknesses and faults and makes us more aware of ourselves - thus highlightling the role another person would play in our lives. It would hopefully also point out the burdens and weaknesses that we would bring to the relationship.

For two people to start a relationship based upon the premise of "Are you the right one for me?" is selfish and burdens the relationship with silly fairytails that won't come true. Instead, how about, "Am I good enough that anyone in their right mind would be willing to put up with me?"

In my view love is not a lottery to be won or lost - pick the right number (person) and you "win." Love is a quality and virture that each of us should strive to cultivate and to give to others. If by happenstance you find someone that you can uniquely love - more power to you. But be responsible with your choices because God is very much interested in them.
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