Know what? Don't even try to put yourself in the same category as the soldiers. YOU AIN"T EVEN CLOSE!
Bro, I served 8 years as a 91B10 Combat Medical Specialist assigned to HHT/207TH Armored Cav. And I have a government job and continue to serve my community. Ferd's trying to make me sound like some bumb living off tax payer dollars is what's uncalled for.
Bro, I served 8 years as a 91B10 Combat Medical Specialist assigned to HHT/207TH Armored Cav. And I have a government job and continue to serve my community. Ferd's trying to make me sound like some bumb living off tax payer dollars is what's uncalled for.
I also bet you find Henry Waxman quite riveting
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I think Democrats (includes liberals) are pretty stupid. They stand up and scream on their soapbox of the rich not paying their fair share, and they end up hitting the middle class square in the mouth.
After all, when taxes go UP for the small business owner, the middle and lower classes lose their jobs...then the liberals vote for tax increases in order for social programs to take care of the people those evil rich business owners fired.
Plain and simple, political, fiscal, and social Liberals are morons.
I think Democrats (includes liberals) are pretty stupid. They stand up and scream on their soapbox of the rich not paying their fair share, and they end up hitting the middle class square in the mouth.
After all, when taxes go UP for the small business owner, the middle and lower classes lose their jobs...then the liberals vote for tax increases in order for social programs to take care of the people those evil rich business owners fired.
Plain and simple, political, fiscal, and social Liberals are morons.
from a liberal politicians perspective it is quite smart.
by doing this, they force more people into poverty and poor people must vote for those that will give them more handouts.
causing poverty, extending poverty and supporting poverty are keys to liberalims success.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
from a liberal politicians perspective it is quite smart.
by doing this, they force more people into poverty and poor people must vote for those that will give them more handouts.
causing poverty, extending poverty and supporting poverty are keys to liberalims success.
Sure, but it is kind of scary to call impoverished people stupid for buying into the socialistic mindset...some of them might take issue, despite their complaints that the "Man" is holding them down!
smokers also cost businesses who pay for their insurance but you are against a business but not the state?
which i understand completly. your ilk trust the state and hate the business.
I think you’re paranoid. I don’t think it’s right for the state to ban tobacco use either.
Here’s a thought that might blow your mind…I personally don’t believe businesses should be involved in the provision of health insurance at all. Why make businesses responsible for that kind of expense??? My personal view is that everyone should pay into a single payer national health insurance program where insurance premiums are negotiated with private insurers and supplemented by the tax revenues paid into the system pay those who benefit from it. Everyone should have to pay something toward their health insurance. Right now if I didn’t have insurance I could go to the ER and get treatment. They would bill me. I could simply refuse to pay. Now, consider that there are over 10 million or more of me…that would fuel the rise in health care cost as providers increased costs to cover the loss. As health care costs rise…insurers have to raise premiums to cover those costs. Now YOU the business owner is found stuck paying more or handing more of that cost to the backs of your hard working employees. I say take you and your business out of the equation and let you focus on business. Negotiate rates with companies and then have everyone pay a lower negotiated premium and taxes into the system so all are covered. As providers are actually paid in a timely manner the cost of healthcare would drop exponentially. Not to mention a national medical records database would reduce health care costs 30%.
National health insurance would make health insurance an issue between the voters and their elected representatives. As a business man…you don’t even have to worry about nothing but business.