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Old 05-19-2008, 09:36 AM
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Re: Obama: Wrong On Iran

But the subject of this thread is Obama being wrong on Iran. Do you believe we should ignore them (like you're doing me) until they just start playing in the flowers and dancing with Israel?

Bro...we might play hardline cowboy diplomacy and refuse to talk to them...only wake up to a mushroom cloud over a major city. We need to engage in talks and show the world WE are the ones seeking peace. That will justify any necessary military action to disarm Iran.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (English Standard Version)
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Old 05-19-2008, 09:37 AM
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Re: Obama: Wrong On Iran

It doesn't matter whether you vote Democrate or Republican the outcome is always the same. Although there may be minor fluctuations depending on which party is in control, in the big picture it all looks the same. I am a former Republican because they are looking too much like the democrate party. It's time we started backing minority parties so that we can get some better government to take hold.
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Old 05-19-2008, 09:38 AM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Obama: Wrong On Iran

Originally Posted by ChristopherHall View Post
Did Carter work tirelessly for the release of US hostages? Yes.
Was the deal to release the hostages after the election already negotiated? Yes.

So who's acting immature now? You wont talk to me because I want to hear you clarify the facts and called you on your distortion?

Ok, I'll apologize. I'm sorry you completely disregarded the facts about the hostage release that Carter negotiated and insinuated that Reagan somehow deserved the credit.

I hope that apology is fitting bro. Friends?
CH, when someone tells you they aren't interested in posting with you, it makes more sense to leave that person alone than to keep on posting to them. Someone I know did that to me and ended up on my ignore list for a good long while before I was willing to post to her again. DT doesn't want to post with you right now. Be man enough to respect his wishes until he is ready to chat with you again.
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Old 05-19-2008, 09:42 AM
DividedThigh DividedThigh is offline
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Re: Obama: Wrong On Iran

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
That's how I feel about President Bush. I supported him, voted for him twice, and was firmly behind him after 9/11. It wasn't until this war in Iraq became more of a civil war that my support for him started to waver. We have spent $600,000,000,000 on this war with no end in sight.

In the meantime, things here at home have gone down the toilet. People are losing their homes left and right, the price fuel has gone through the roof, food is getting more and more expensive with every passing week, jobs are getting harder and harder to find, etc. I'm not blaming Bush for these things happening, but it would be nice to see some more leadership coming from him regarding these issues. It's almost as if his administration is focused almost exclusively on the war effort. If we had spent the same amount of money on domestic issues as has been spent on the war effort I believe things would be much better for us on the home front.
well rico, we disagree on the war, that is fine, but i personally dont like some of gwb's policies either, but i do think he is a good man, and tries , sometimes not successfully, but he has faith and that is encouraging, i want things to improve too , dt
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Old 05-19-2008, 09:43 AM
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Re: Obama: Wrong On Iran

Originally Posted by DanielR View Post
It doesn't matter whether you vote Democrate or Republican the outcome is always the same. Although there may be minor fluctuations depending on which party is in control, in the big picture it all looks the same. I am a former Republican because they are looking too much like the democrate party. It's time we started backing minority parties so that we can get some better government to take hold.
I would agree with you in terms of foreign policy. It seems that some things are set in stone regarding US foreign policy, regardless of who is in office. My feeling is that even if we had had a democratic president, we still would have invaded Iraq. I don't know that we would still be there, though.
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Old 05-19-2008, 09:46 AM
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Re: Obama: Wrong On Iran

Sorry Rico, I thought he said,

for that the offending party owes me an apology, other than that i have nothing to say to them,dt
I was primarily wanting to offer an apology. Sometimes I think these guys are just not hurting as bad as so many of the rest of us. My wife and I are in pure HADES trying to work with the bank to keep our home and we don't even have one of those crazy loans that went bad. Dude, the rising cost of gasoline possible loss of our home and the rising cost of food is killing us. And now there's a rumor she might be facing a layoff. I just want to be a good father and husband and home a home and live a modest life. What gives?
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (English Standard Version)
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Old 05-19-2008, 09:49 AM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Obama: Wrong On Iran

Originally Posted by ChristopherHall View Post
Sorry Rico, I thought he said,

I was primarily wanting to offer an apology. Sometimes I think these guys are just not hurting as bad as so many of the rest of us. My wife and I are in pure HADES trying to work with the bank to keep our home and we don't even have one of those crazy loans that went bad. Dude, the rising cost of gasoline and food is killing us.
You call that post a sincere apology? You basically told him you were sorry that he was wrong. DUH?!?!?! That wasn't an apology, CH; that was an insult.

I don't know all the circumstances surrounding what you are facing right now, so I don't feel comfortable commenting on it.
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Old 05-19-2008, 09:55 AM
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Re: Obama: Wrong On Iran

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
You call that post a sincere apology? You basically told him you were sorry that he was wrong. DUH?!?!?! That wasn't an apology, CH; that was an insult.

I don't know all the circumstances surrounding what you are facing right now, so I don't feel comfortable commenting on it.
It was meant as a friendly jab. Me and DT lock horns all the time and we both can give and take it pretty good. But I'll change the post because I can see what you're saying.

Rico...you know you mentioned being insulted. Here's an honest question. Would it upset you if someone insinuated that if you voted Democratic as opposed to Republican you'd be a baby killer or supporting those who kill babies?

I just experienced that and dude, how do you respond to that one?
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (English Standard Version)
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Old 05-19-2008, 10:03 AM
DividedThigh DividedThigh is offline
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Re: Obama: Wrong On Iran

fact is that i am sure the carter admin was trying to get those hostages back and also even made an attempt at a rescue, which failed, but i do know that many people believed that things were hastened along by the new prez coming into office, i have no doubt that all good americans wanted an end to that awful situation as well as they do now, dt
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Old 05-19-2008, 10:08 AM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Obama: Wrong On Iran

Originally Posted by ChristopherHall View Post
It was meant as a friendly jab. Me and DT lock horns all the time and we both can give and take it pretty good. But I'll change the post because I can see what you're saying.

Rico...you know you mentioned being insulted. Here's an honest question. Would it upset you if someone insinuated that if you voted Democratic as opposed to Republican you'd be a baby killer or supporting those who kill babies?

I just experienced that and dude, how do you respond to that one?
CH, you need to smart enough to pick and choose your battles. That's my best piece of advice. You know you aren't a baby killer, so don't let it bother you. If you find yourself agreeing more with the democratic party on domestic and foreign issues than the republicans then vote your conscience. While I have voted republican for most of my adult life, I am not against voting for a democrat, if I find myself in agreement with one on enough issues. Abortion and gay marriage are serious issues, but my feelings on them aren't the sole deciding factors in who I vote for or against.

To be honest, I am against abortion because I think it's a form of murder, but I am in favor of a woman having the right to make that choice for herself. I believe homosexuality is a sin, but I don't think it's fair that two committed homosexuals don't have access to things like health insurance and next of kin rights.
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