Keep them in prayer, I'm hearing another storm is brewing that might hit the region with heavy rains and wind again.
Luke 21:25
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
thanks friend.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
In hearing about the Myanmar Cyclone & China Earthquake 7 the devestation it has wrought has left me feeling grieved in my spirit.
With 15,000 dead & tens of thousands homeless in China & 38,000 dead & up to a million homeless with both numbers expected to climb, I am truly thankful to God for sparing us in North America from such momentous tragedies!
My mind can not comprehend the destruction that has transpired in the last couple of weeks in SE Asia.
For now I pray asking for divine mercy & count my blessings which are many.
Unfortunately, I'm convinced that those days are coming here too.
God's wrath is coming upon a sinful world in these last days, and I don't believe at all that America will be spared.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.
Along with Barb, I think that a lot of time people don't respond to these types of posts because it is so overwhelming, and you (at least I) feel powerless to do anything.
I do pray about these situations, and I guess at this point in time, that is the most that any of us can do, especially in the case of Burma, where they are rejecting most of the aid offered.
Ferd, I have shared some of what you have posted on here with others, so don't feel like you have posted your info in vain.
And for the record, I do think that America (especially it's Christians) is for the most part fat and lazy (metaphorically), and we are due a serious wake-up call.
I was sitting in church tonight (visited the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in Scottsboro- quite a drive, but I really, Really, REALLY wanted to be in an Apostolic church service), and, while listening to the pastor refer to the storms in Burma and the earthquake in China, I thought of the phrase, "If not for the grace of God, there go I". We are blessed to live on a continent where tragedies of this magnitude are rare. And, to be honest, Burma and China are so far away... its hard to really be affected by their calamities. But, as I thought of the thousands affected there, I was convicted of my calloused heart by the verse "When one member suffers, we all suffer..." (Or something like that). If I were really connected to the Body as I should be, those tragedies would affect me as it would if I were buried under that rubble. In the midst of all that debris are brothers and sisters in Christ. MY brothers and sisters.
John F. Kennedy won the hearts and minds of the people of Germany with his famous "Berlin speech". He identified with them in their suffering. He shared and endured their suffering right along with them. What is it that attracted us to Christ? His teachings? His miracles? No- it was that He, the Mighty God, came to earth and endured our pain. Our suffering. He faced in 3 and one half years of ministry what we face in a lifetime. He identified with us. And He ask that we do the same with those that suffer among us.
I should be mourning with those who mourn. I should be weeping with those who weep...just as many of you wept with me a few months ago. However, I admit...I am yet unmoved in my spirit by those who weep in those far-away foreign lands. Oh, I pray for a broken and contrite spirit. "Lord, move me with compassion toward those in need."
I have spent the last few days of virtual absence from the Forum for a time of personal evaluation. Soul searching, I guess you'd call it. And I've come to see the hand writing on the wall. I have weighed my personal commitment to the Lord and have found that I am lacking. My lack of empathy for the dead and dying is a glowing red lettered reminder that I need to rekindle love and compassion in my heart. I am in need of a personal revival.
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7
Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.
I often wonder what the American Apostolic Church could do if we lived humbly, and wasn't in so much debt. The outreach potential in both these countries are tremendous. To be able to go in with food and distribute it would make a great impact in these peoples lives. But with our $1 million dollar church debts, our fancy cars, our expensive homes, we are in no place to send much food, or the 1000's of missionaries needed to distribute it.
God is big enough to get you out of Debt, allow u to keep your fancy cars and house and still have left over to send to those in need..