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Old 03-18-2007, 11:18 PM
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Originally Posted by IAintMovin View Post
As a minister in the UPCI, I have a voice and a vote, I will vote my preference on this issue, however I personally have no problem with those on both sides making their case for their reason of why for, or why against.

Glad that these men are doing this and hope that the other side can come together and do something likewise, funny thing is that on the Pro side there is a usually just a lot of screaming foul and no substance put out for their stand.
I agree. I would, however, like something to go out to the ministers that had something pro and against....much as I would like to see forums of such on this topic be equal pro and against.

Based on the authors of the book...you know the slant is one of AGAINST. The same would be said if Anthony Mangun put out a book and you know the slant would be FOR. Now, I would like to see one put out to the membership that was written by WILSON or BOOKER and MANGUN. At least one would have an argument on both sides.
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Old 03-18-2007, 11:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
If you are going to mention Hanby. Please spell it right it is not Hamby but "Hanby".

Where might Mark Hanby, Kenneth Phillips and the UPCI be today?

They would have been within 6 months of TBN starting a network.

We mock TBN while the men of the UPCI had zero vision.

Hanby and others were ousted before any of their sins.

There have been many UPCI ministers that fell into the same sins.

They were not involved in the idea of TV.

We will never know what might have been because 33 years later the UPCI, though wearing different style suits still talk the same old retoric....

I wonder how many of the men who will vote against TV this time around, would turn down a chance to be headlined on TBN next Sunday.

For the record some would.

And they would miss a chance to be heard.

Because they care more about cause than effect.

Nathan Eckstadt
u left the UPC, why would you care???
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Old 03-18-2007, 11:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
So let the other side write their own book! That is simple. If they have the courage to do so.
I don't think either side of the issue is lacking "courage" in their positions. It is very possible that some pro TV preachers who have not previously written a booklet out of a desire to keep unity and not be divisive will now respond in kind.

I think AM would be a good canidate to publish such a booklet but then again I think he would like to be as uncontroverseal as possible to protect the standing of the BOTT conference he hosts each year. I am sure he is not eager to alienate those who support his conference but not the TV resolution.
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Old 03-18-2007, 11:26 PM
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Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
I don't think either side of the issue is lacking "courage" in their positions. It is very possible that some pro TV preachers who have not previously written a booklet out of a desire to keep unity and not be divisive will now respond in kind.

I think AM would be a good canidate to publish such a booklet but then again I think he would like to be as uncontroverseal as possible to protect the standing of the BOTT conference he hosts each year. I am sure he is not eager to alienate those who support his conference but not the TV resolution.
CC1 the absurdity of this whole argument is most of the UPC members have televisions. There is NOT one UPC church in 50 miles that makes a stand against television so the whole thing is mute. It is a non-issue I do not understand the fuss about advertising when the bulk have televisions???? In the Nashville area NOT one UPC church has a stand against television it is a joke. I travel the country and the churches are few and far between that takes a stand against television.
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Old 03-18-2007, 11:29 PM
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Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
I don't think either side of the issue is lacking "courage" in their positions. It is very possible that some pro TV preachers who have not previously written a booklet out of a desire to keep unity and not be divisive will now respond in kind.

I think AM would be a good canidate to publish such a booklet but then again I think he would like to be as uncontroverseal as possible to protect the standing of the BOTT conference he hosts each year. I am sure he is not eager to alienate those who support his conference but not the TV resolution.
Very true.

When it comes to issues I am voting on....I do not want to read something that is solely for or against. I want to view the issue and then read the pro and the con side.

It's just like this and other forums....you have an issue and then read statements pro and con.
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Old 03-18-2007, 11:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
CC1 the absurdity of this whole argument is most of the UPC members have televisions. There is NOT one UPC church in 50 miles that makes a stand against television so the whole thing is mute. It is a non-issue I do not understand the fuss about advertising when the bulk have televisions???? In the Nashville area NOT one UPC church has a stand against television it is a joke. I travel the country and the churches are few and far between that takes a stand against television.
Finally, an honest assessment.
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Old 03-18-2007, 11:31 PM
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I read the whole book tonight and was impressed with much of what was written. I personally was "on the fence" about the issue, knowing that we would not be using TV to advertise here because it is not cost effective.

After reading the book, I am persuaded that to allow TV advertising would be a bad move for the UPC. There were a couple of thoughts in the book that jumped out at me.

1. The greatest revival was had by the early church by going and personally preaching the gospel to every creature. Today we want greater results with less effort. Televangelism will no doubt further sooth the carnal conscience of those pew sitters who refuse to engage the society they live in by making them believe that they are "reaching the lost" electronically.

2. All modern technology is not the same. One great point was made that if you could push a button and blow up the Internet, it would make about as much sense as blowing up a library. but if you could push the same button and blow up television, what would be lost? Not much. What is meant by "television" is not the screen or circuitry, but rather the entertainment industry, their ungodly philosophy, and the promotion of anti-Christian values or amoral values at best. Watching TV, is watching TV, whether you do it on a big screen, a computer screen, an i pod screen, or a cell phone screen. Just because the method of delivery is different doesn't make it something other than "TV."

I am personally opposed to allowing televangelism frankly because there are some elements of the UPC that embarrass me. Preachers who are crass and undisciplined in the pulpit will do much to further the negative image that some already want to exploit. Broadcasting services and conferences where holy anointing has been replaced by showmanship, screaming, wild unverifiable tales, and hype will be a big turn off. Showing the world some of our worldly kids at Youth Congress or some of the rock star wannabes that pass for musicians these days will make me want to distance myself from the UPC even further.

I would love to see the pro-TV side do a project like this and present the facts as they see it. Overall all I think this book will have a big influence on the upcoming vote. I just wish I could afford to go to General Conference to be there for it.
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Old 03-18-2007, 11:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
CC1 the absurdity of this whole argument is most of the UPC members have televisions. There is NOT one UPC church in 50 miles that makes a stand against television so the whole thing is mute. It is a non-issue I do not understand the fuss about advertising when the bulk have televisions???? In the Nashville area NOT one UPC church has a stand against television it is a joke. I travel the country and the churches are few and far between that takes a stand against television.
That's what I said earlier.
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~Felicity Welsh~

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Old 03-18-2007, 11:35 PM
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Why do I feel this is just the beginning of a campaign season?!? LOL!

I think we are going to see, in addition to books, letters as well.
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Old 03-18-2007, 11:37 PM
Just a Shepherd Just a Shepherd is offline
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
CC1 the absurdity of this whole argument is most of the UPC members have televisions. There is NOT one UPC church in 50 miles that makes a stand against television so the whole thing is mute. It is a non-issue I do not understand the fuss about advertising when the bulk have televisions???? In the Nashville area NOT one UPC church has a stand against television it is a joke. I travel the country and the churches are few and far between that takes a stand against television.
I am curious how you judge that? If you came and preached for me what would you be looking for? Would you be visiting our members homes? Looking for an anti TV poster on the wall or waiting for me to "shuck a little corn" about the evils of TV as a warm up to introducing you?

Really how do you qualify a statement like that?
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