Originally Posted by ApostleJoe
Anyone have the words to an older song:
He was more than just a man
The Savior's life was salvation's plan
And the love that Jesus gave
His very life for men to save
That's when He proved, when He proved
He was more than just a man
I know most of it, but am missing a few lines in the verse.
Another set of words I need, if anyone can help:
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so
?????????????? I cannot even remember half the chorus, much less the verses.
Any help is most appreciated.
Now I can claim to be the one who is right but, just in case, I will say that I remember what you have included above a little differently.
He was more than just a man
He gave His life for salvation's plan
And the love that Jesus gave
His very life for men to save
That's when He proved, when He proved
He was more than just a man
Like I say... I could be completely off base... I have been known to hear songs incorrectly.
I'm not positive about the fourth line either but I can't remember what it might be.