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Old 02-08-2008, 09:54 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: Gabby's

Ok I come to quiet world of Gabbys... to my sisters and friends yep... I am whining right now big time and needed somewhere to vent before I go to bed AGAIN... 3rd time I think... Oh God I feel like I have been hit by a mac truck!!!! GRRRRR

I left a message for a friend to see if this is like the " norm" after having this done.. so we shall see what the response is and go from there... but aint nothin feelin normal about this kinda pain... I had 3 kids with no drugs (well I tried to have drugs but they didnt work ok I aint that crazy) and I would take that pain any day to this!!!! UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Ok nuff of my whining... nite I guess! Hugs
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Old 02-11-2008, 07:38 AM
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Re: Gabby's

Good Morning ladies!!! Boy, there hasn't been much activity over the weekend!

Jasmine has been sick all weekend so I was locked inside allllll weekend long with the kids - talk about ready to pull your hair out! Lol! Ariel thankfully has been fine but Jasmine has been running a fever since Saturday morning and has been coughing and snotting and sneezing - saying her throat & ears hurt when she eats certain things. If she is not better after today we may need to go and see the doctor. She has been taking tylenol all weekend but this morning I went and got her some cold medicine too, hopefully it will dry her up and she'll be back to normal tomorrow - at least by Wednesday hopefully!! I can miss work tomorrow but I can't Wednesday!!! Luckily my husband stayed home today because I couldn't miss work today either - we are having training seminars all week for a new program we are getting.

Anyways.....I hope you all have a great day and I'll stop back in later!
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Old 02-11-2008, 08:58 AM
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Re: Gabby's

Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
Ok I come to quiet world of Gabbys... to my sisters and friends yep... I am whining right now big time and needed somewhere to vent before I go to bed AGAIN... 3rd time I think... Oh God I feel like I have been hit by a mac truck!!!! GRRRRR

I left a message for a friend to see if this is like the " norm" after having this done.. so we shall see what the response is and go from there... but aint nothin feelin normal about this kinda pain... I had 3 kids with no drugs (well I tried to have drugs but they didnt work ok I aint that crazy) and I would take that pain any day to this!!!! UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Ok nuff of my whining... nite I guess! Hugs
I'm sorry you are in so much pain!!!! I certainly hope you feel better!
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Old 02-11-2008, 09:00 AM
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Re: Gabby's

Originally Posted by QueenEsther View Post
Good Morning ladies!!! Boy, there hasn't been much activity over the weekend!

Jasmine has been sick all weekend so I was locked inside allllll weekend long with the kids - talk about ready to pull your hair out! Lol! Ariel thankfully has been fine but Jasmine has been running a fever since Saturday morning and has been coughing and snotting and sneezing - saying her throat & ears hurt when she eats certain things. If she is not better after today we may need to go and see the doctor. She has been taking tylenol all weekend but this morning I went and got her some cold medicine too, hopefully it will dry her up and she'll be back to normal tomorrow - at least by Wednesday hopefully!! I can miss work tomorrow but I can't Wednesday!!! Luckily my husband stayed home today because I couldn't miss work today either - we are having training seminars all week for a new program we are getting.

Anyways.....I hope you all have a great day and I'll stop back in later!
Hope your week turns out better. At least you know a cold can only last, usually, 10 days with or without medicine.

Sick children is no fun!

My daughter and her husband are going to try and start a family!!!!! I'm not supposed to tell anyone!!!

There are twins on both sides - my family and her husband's - boy - that would be a trip and a half!
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Old 02-11-2008, 09:01 AM
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Re: Gabby's

Good morning, STS!!!! And all the ladies and our gentleman!

Hope you have a wonderful week. I have a busy one coming up! I love being busy. Had a big lull in activity last week. That was great for me. I loved relaxing, but now I'm ready to get busy again.

Hope you all have a great day!
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Old 02-11-2008, 11:59 AM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: Gabby's

Hey all...

PO yea its a bit better.... sorta kinda.. cant really explain it.. poor Ferd.. I have been talking to him trying to see if this is right... took me about 10 pm's to explain it to him... It just feels like its ripping my back in half but otherwise its a little better... I no longer feel like my spine is being ripped out my hind end! Things are pretty normal around here other than that and the fact I think I have the flu but its all gonna be OTAY!!!!

Oh and I did win a huge box of Godiva chocolates this morning LOL... I was laying in bed rolling around from side to side zip code to zip code (its a cali king bed lol) and couldnt sleep but couldnt get up either.. then on the tv our local news channel said they were giving this away... to the 8th caller... I thought about it for a min or so... tryed to remember the number and find the phone... called and in my painfilled mind I thought it had been about 10 min by this time... wrong! I was the 8th caller!!! nothin like chocolates to help a little
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Old 02-11-2008, 12:24 PM
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Re: Gabby's

Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
Hey all...

PO yea its a bit better.... sorta kinda.. cant really explain it.. poor Ferd.. I have been talking to him trying to see if this is right... took me about 10 pm's to explain it to him... It just feels like its ripping my back in half but otherwise its a little better... I no longer feel like my spine is being ripped out my hind end! Things are pretty normal around here other than that and the fact I think I have the flu but its all gonna be OTAY!!!!

Oh and I did win a huge box of Godiva chocolates this morning LOL... I was laying in bed rolling around from side to side zip code to zip code (its a cali king bed lol) and couldnt sleep but couldnt get up either.. then on the tv our local news channel said they were giving this away... to the 8th caller... I thought about it for a min or so... tryed to remember the number and find the phone... called and in my painfilled mind I thought it had been about 10 min by this time... wrong! I was the 8th caller!!! nothin like chocolates to help a little
Very cool! Godiva chocolates is the way to go if you eat that evil sugar!!!!

Hope you feel better. Can anything be done for you? I may have missed what you said about your back.
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Old 02-11-2008, 12:33 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: Gabby's

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Very cool! Godiva chocolates is the way to go if you eat that evil sugar!!!!

Hope you feel better. Can anything be done for you? I may have missed what you said about your back.
Well I actually just got off the phone with the dr. I had a pain injection and well its called a facet block... workin on the nerves and a pain injection too.. He said normal time to notice an improvement is 2-3 days but I had to have mine without anesthesia so he said we are looking at 4-5 days unfortunately... so he said things are progressing normally... so I thnk we will be ok... I think LOL
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Old 02-11-2008, 12:34 PM
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Re: Gabby's

Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
Well I actually just got off the phone with the dr. I had a pain injection and well its called a facet block... workin on the nerves and a pain injection too.. He said normal time to notice an improvement is 2-3 days but I had to have mine without anesthesia so he said we are looking at 4-5 days unfortunately... so he said things are progressing normally... so I thnk we will be ok... I think LOL
Is it something you will always have to deal with?
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Old 02-11-2008, 12:36 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: Gabby's

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Is it something you will always have to deal with?
God willing No!!! LOL

I actually bent down and picked up a phone book and out went my back! And it got so bad I had to do something and fast! Its improved a lot in the last few days.. so I think we are getting somewhere. I have a nerve test done Wed and then he will decide further coarse of action then...
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