for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first" (
2 Thes. 2: 3).
the upc has fallen away from standards and let tv come in
the wpf has fallen away from the upc
the AFAT orginization Apostolic Fear And Trembling has fell away to just a few faithfull.
our letter of afermation makes the upc's look like a sunday school picnic
I read somewheres where nehamiah was building a wall and the workers had one hand one the wall building and the other hand on the sword.
I got both hands on the sword!!!!!
the reason those churches down in LA are so big is that they dont have a sword in the hand.
its just outreach and reachin out and building. thats why there is so much heatherns in the church. Outreach!!!! we need to get rid of people.
If i took one hand off the sword my church would probably grow so much i would have to get indoor plumbing.
the wpf seems to be heading in the right direction. They finally got tired of people building with both hands, outreach and technology and said its time to put both hands on the sword.
after all all of the upc pastors are weak kneed comprimisers. I cant believe they waited this long
to get out.
the good ole days you could just kick people out that didnt line up. Thats why i started AFAT...
POWER. my letters dont get ignored and i know i can get elected because i voted myself in.
i dont need pph. i started my own publishing house.
a lexmark hooked up to my 486. i print all of the sunday school literature for my church.
my budget is low. 12 sheets of paper last week