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Old 02-04-2008, 09:22 AM
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Re: Gabby's

Thanks everyone for the welcomes.

The past week has been pretty crazy. My Mom is in the process of moving down by me, which I am very excited about, but I am also exhausted by spending all my free time shopping for furniture and various other household items with her, and then going into work to "relax".

We were able to find her an affordable apartment (almost unheard of in my area!), and best of all, its only 2 minutes from my house. The moving truck will be here tomorrow, and the real work will begin!

Tomorrow also happens to be my anniversary, which I don't think my husband realizes (he's been unemployed since last April and dates therefore have no meaning to him), and I don't think I will remind him. Is that mean? We don't have the money to go out to dinner or anything, and if I remind him, he will just feel bad about me spending our anniversary helping my mother unpack.

On the flipside if I don't remind him, then he will just feel bad later when he realizes that he forgot it...
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Old 02-04-2008, 10:02 AM
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Re: Gabby's

Hello ladies........how is everyones Monday? Mine is *BLECH* I am just hitting one of my "valleys" I guess, it seems like every 6 months or so this hits me. I know I'll pull through and be fine I guess just life in general can get to me every once in awhile - after a good prayer meeting I will be fine! Lol!

I just felt like I needed such a touch last night at church and my little one was acting up and was cranky and wouldn't let anyone else hold her with out screaming so I wasn't able to pray like I wanted to. We have a ladies prayer meeting tonight but I don't really see how I can make it........IDK, I'll talk to my husband and see what he thinks but I have a lot to do and so does he, my stuff can wait (some of it anyways) but his can't and I don't know if he can watch Ariel and get his stuff done and I might as well stay home if I have to take her with me........we'll see, I really really really need to go though.
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Old 02-05-2008, 10:21 AM
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Re: Gabby's

Wow, it's been 24 hours since anyone has posted on this thread.
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Old 02-05-2008, 10:53 AM
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Re: Gabby's

Originally Posted by QueenEsther View Post
Hello ladies........how is everyones Monday? Mine is *BLECH* I am just hitting one of my "valleys" I guess, it seems like every 6 months or so this hits me. I know I'll pull through and be fine I guess just life in general can get to me every once in awhile - after a good prayer meeting I will be fine! Lol!

I just felt like I needed such a touch last night at church and my little one was acting up and was cranky and wouldn't let anyone else hold her with out screaming so I wasn't able to pray like I wanted to. We have a ladies prayer meeting tonight but I don't really see how I can make it........IDK, I'll talk to my husband and see what he thinks but I have a lot to do and so does he, my stuff can wait (some of it anyways) but his can't and I don't know if he can watch Ariel and get his stuff done and I might as well stay home if I have to take her with me........we'll see, I really really really need to go though.
Are you feeling better today??? Did you get a chance to go to the ladies meeting???

Having little one can be a struggle sometimes I know, for me one struggle is sleep! I can only take a nap if David does--(sometimes I get some help with him but not always)

IDK I hate being tired! I hope you are doing better today and that you had a wonderful birthday
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Old 02-05-2008, 10:59 AM
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Re: Gabby's

Hello everyone- I have not had time to post too much on the thread lately. Just been busy doing stuff! Yesterday my husband and I went to have a picture taken. That is what I wanted for my birthday. We have not had a picture taken professionally in several years, and I just thought it was time to do it. We went to a park locally and met a photographer and she took some out of doors. She spent most of the time talking about how hard it was to begin dating again- she was newly divorced. She said she had recently tried Internet dating - talked with a guy on the phone for hours - decided to meet him for lunch and he looked like a mafia reject!!!!!! She said after the date she went home and deleted her profile on the site. She kept us entertained with the stories- so posing for pictures was not too painful. I am not one that likes to take pictures that much- The camera does not lie!!!! But I thought it would be nice to have a couple of updated pictures.
Today, I am cleaning house and then I have to clean the freezer out. It has gotten to the place where I am not sure what is in there! So it is time to take everything out and rearrange it. So my day will be busy!
I hope all is well with my Gabby friends. God is good and faithful! I think that is the blessing from God that I really am the most thankful for- That you can depend on God no matter what the situation and circumstance- He is FAITHFUL to his children. Bless you all-
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Old 02-05-2008, 02:46 PM
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Re: Gabby's

Originally Posted by Jeanie View Post
Are you feeling better today??? Did you get a chance to go to the ladies meeting???

Having little one can be a struggle sometimes I know, for me one struggle is sleep! I can only take a nap if David does--(sometimes I get some help with him but not always)

IDK I hate being tired! I hope you are doing better today and that you had a wonderful birthday
Thanks for the reply! I actually did not get to go.......we went to Walmart right after work to get our groceries and stuff and we ended up running into my husband cousin who we haven't talked to in a few years and we talked to him for like 45 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But it was worth it becuase he is supposed to come to church - him and his mom have been looking for a church and they have always loved my husband and my MIL so, I think the Lord may have allowed that little meeting to take place. I do feel somewhat better today - lots going on here at work, I got some good news about my job which I will post about later - and tonight we have church, hopefully I can leave Ariel in the nursery or something. We'll see. If she isn't better by tomorrow I think I am going to have to take her to the doctor.
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Old 02-05-2008, 02:52 PM
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Re: Gabby's

It is always so amazing to me to see God work. Sometimes the smallest things happen and we don't know why until later down the road. As most of you know I have been looking for a different job or position for awhile then I started praying for God to help me to love my job, and he did!!! Then there was a postion here at work that I really really really wanted and didn't get and I was kinda upset over but I got over it - as a result of that being filled with someone here from another office there was then another position open that was actually offered to me......I decided not to, I just didn't feel right about that one. Wasn't sure why but I just had a weird feeling. Then a couple of months ago my boss told me that I would be switching postions and it would be a higher level with a little more pay. I was rejoicing and thanking God but I was nervous about who my new boss would be because they were hiring someone from the outside for the position I would be under. Then today they announced that they had decided to just pull a guy from another department to take the position. It's crazy but in December I had hardly ever spoken to this man before and I was thrown on a project with him for a month in a half and we hit it off great and I really enjoyed working for him and he praised me highly to my current boss about my work!! I truly believe that God allowed us to work together then so that now we would pair up and work well together from the very beginning!!!!! I am so relieved! I just pray that he is understanding on family matters and church issues because my family and my church come before my job and my current boss has no problems with that. But if God put me with him then I know everything will be fine.
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Old 02-05-2008, 03:04 PM
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Re: Gabby's

Originally Posted by QueenEsther View Post
It is always so amazing to me to see God work. Sometimes the smallest things happen and we don't know why until later down the road. As most of you know I have been looking for a different job or position for awhile then I started praying for God to help me to love my job, and he did!!! Then there was a postion here at work that I really really really wanted and didn't get and I was kinda upset over but I got over it - as a result of that being filled with someone here from another office there was then another position open that was actually offered to me......I decided not to, I just didn't feel right about that one. Wasn't sure why but I just had a weird feeling. Then a couple of months ago my boss told me that I would be switching postions and it would be a higher level with a little more pay. I was rejoicing and thanking God but I was nervous about who my new boss would be because they were hiring someone from the outside for the position I would be under. Then today they announced that they had decided to just pull a guy from another department to take the position. It's crazy but in December I had hardly ever spoken to this man before and I was thrown on a project with him for a month in a half and we hit it off great and I really enjoyed working for him and he praised me highly to my current boss about my work!! I truly believe that God allowed us to work together then so that now we would pair up and work well together from the very beginning!!!!! I am so relieved! I just pray that he is understanding on family matters and church issues because my family and my church come before my job and my current boss has no problems with that. But if God put me with him then I know everything will be fine.
It is just amazing to see sometimes the things that God does to bless us. We are so undeserving of all of it.

Congrats on the job.
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Old 02-05-2008, 05:43 PM
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Re: Gabby's

QE- Great news! God never does anything half way- If His hand is in this position, then everything will work out. I am rejoicing with you.
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Old 02-05-2008, 06:59 PM
Sweet Pea Sweet Pea is offline
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Re: Gabby's

Good evening ladies.............. Just got caught up on what everyone has posted lately....

QE - I hope that your baby stayed in the nursery and you were able to get the touch from the Lord that you needed! And praise the Lord about your job situation! God is so good!

Mich - how did the move with your mom go? And did you tell your hubby that it was your anniversary? That is some dilimena - but I understand about how he would feel bad about the finances.

He's my Friend - It appears that God placed you in that church for a reason. Your husband hitting it off with the pastor - and you feeling a compassion for the pastor's wife. I pray all is well with your husband and he will return home safe and sound!

AG - it is so exciting about your baby girl getting the Holy Ghost! One of my favorite scriptures is in III John - I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth!

Blessings to all of you this week!
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
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