Thanks everyone for the welcomes.
The past week has been pretty crazy. My Mom is in the process of moving down by me, which I am very excited about, but I am also exhausted by spending all my free time shopping for furniture and various other household items with her, and then going into work to "relax".
We were able to find her an affordable apartment (almost unheard of in my area!), and best of all, its only 2 minutes from my house. The moving truck will be here tomorrow, and the real work will begin!
Tomorrow also happens to be my anniversary, which I don't think my husband realizes (he's been unemployed since last April and dates therefore have no meaning to him), and I don't think I will remind him. Is that mean? We don't have the money to go out to dinner or anything, and if I remind him, he will just feel bad about me spending our anniversary helping my mother unpack.
On the flipside if I don't remind him, then he will just feel bad later when he realizes that he forgot it...