Re: Lanny Wolfe Trio Coming To Louisiana, Jan. 26!
Originally Posted by Neckstadt
I will keep my truth to myself.
Just ask this question?
Why did my dad leave Jackson after 1 year?
No more offense or statements will come from me.
I do not want to offend.
There was a revolving door on staff to JCM. I am not sure why your father left but JCM was unstable for decades. I choose to believe the best in TLC so thank-you for not offending.
Re: Lanny Wolfe Trio Coming To Louisiana, Jan. 26!
Originally Posted by Rhoni
There was a revolving door on staff to JCM. I am not sure why your father left but JCM was unstable for decades. I choose to believe the best in TLC so thank-you for not offending.
Blessings, Rhoni
One question how long did JCM last after LW was gone?
Re: Lanny Wolfe Trio Coming To Louisiana, Jan. 26!
Originally Posted by Neckstadt
One question how long did JCM last after LW was gone?
The demise of JCM had little to nothing to do with the leaving of LW. It had battled with conservative, controlling leadership, financial problems, and poor choices in staff. When it left the hands of Bro. Craft, for whatever became a school destined to die.
Re: Lanny Wolfe Trio Coming To Louisiana, Jan. 26!
Originally Posted by Rhoni
The demise of JCM had little to nothing to do with the leaving of LW. It had battled with conservative, controlling leadership, financial problems, and poor choices in staff. When it left the hands of Bro. Craft, for whatever became a school destined to die.
It died because of the legacy and reputation of what "went" on for 25 years? It took an incident with someone not in the UPCI to bring things to a legal matter.
Otherwise LW would still be there and so would JCM.
Re: Lanny Wolfe Trio Coming To Louisiana, Jan. 26!
Originally Posted by Pianoman
I feel that I must speak up here!
I owe a lot to LW. Without his burden to bring Apostolics up a notch musically, I wouldn't be where I am today!
Folks who know him, know that his real passion was education. Yes, he wrote songs and traveled with his group, but they were to help finance his true burden, and that was as music dean of JCM. LW had ample opportunities to leave Apostolics behind and persue fame and fortune in gospel music.
I am personal friends with Larry Dalton, who was music diector at Oral Roberts University during the time LW was in Jackson. Their TV show featured LW's song, "Greater is He" in the opening of every broadcast.
Larry told me that LW turned them down on several occasions to be a guest on their show. The reason? Bro. Craft told him not to, because it could look bad on JCM! LW submitted to Bro. Craft!
That being said, I am aware of the other side of the coin!
Is it possible to be thankful and disgusted at the same time?
This is almost exactly how I feel. I think that we look back on those years as such great times that we are sentimental about anything that reminds us of them. Also, I learned a LOT about music from LW; he actually made theory interesting! I have utmost respect for him as a teacher and musician.
Then there is that other side of me that just wants to smack him. Oh well....
Re: Lanny Wolfe Trio Coming To Louisiana, Jan. 26!
Originally Posted by Sherri
This is almost exactly how I feel. I think that we look back on those years as such great times that we are sentimental about anything that reminds us of them. Also, I learned a LOT about music from LW; he actually made theory interesting! I have utmost respect for him as a teacher and musician.
Then there is that other side of me that just wants to smack him. Oh well....