Just depends on the situation.
I will defend my faith in God.. and will not stand for discrimination of my beliefs.
Romans 14:5 .... Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. but also know the importance of verse 19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.
When it comes to my children... I tend to fight... in fact as their only defender, I can get all bent out of shape... (I am working on that though) It is a real struggle. I'm pretty loyal to my family (siblings) as well... I know my family's faults, but someone else better keep their opinions to themselves.
I can get pretty defensive with money issues. Don't try to shortchange me or not provide quality service for my money. I have no problem whatsoever making sure I have been treated fairly.. I work too hard for that money.
The rest of life... I don't like confrontation, so I usually just let things slide right by... just consider the source and go on.
LOL is there much left to life????