Well, folks, Tulsa is over and it just
wasn't everything it's critics said it would be.
Got a PM and I'm using it with permission from a 'lurker' who is also a 'friend' of mine. He Pastors with his father and is a great, balanced man. His perspective is a pretty good indicator to me as he is very open and honest with me.
Well Bro. Johnny Godair did incredible tonight - simply cast a direction or should I say a prefered direction. He touched on or preached on Doctrine, Holiness and Revival - and it was an old time message backed by an incredible spirit. Overall I must say I am well pleased with everything... the Spirit of this meeting was incredible - my dad and many others were very pleased by this - they were afraid it might turn out to be a upc bashing fest. To be honest I don't think they really thought that, but I think it was in the back of thier mind a little.
Many things were totally and absolutely debunked in a very kind way - that now makes a lot of the letter writing and accusations in my opinion look silly.
My eyes were totally opened to Church Goverment and to Missions probably for the first time. No ones fault I guess it just really made sense to me how they are going to do things. I am going to go to thier website and purchase the CD's, I didn't have time tonight - because of the crowd of people.
There was well over a thousand there tonight - around 14 to 15 hundred preachers, the bottom layer was full and they said it seats 1800, but I have no exact count - but it was full tonight.
Over 150,000.00 was given tonight in the offering at last count - I have no idea what the final count well be.
One man was saying tonight and I have no idea who he was - but he had a gold ring on his finger and he was talking to bro. *** in our fellowship and he was telling him that 'this' and tapped his ring wouldn't stop him from joining something like this, talking about wpf - he said I'm over sixty years old and I'm not getting any younger and this is what I want to be around. Later on at El Chico's bro. **** was saying this man is a millionaire and that he was held many, many positions in the upc and bro. **** seemed to be awed by the fact that this man was so moved by the spirit of the place and willing to do whatever to be apart of wpf. He said this is major - cuz this man has been and, perhaps still will be, very involved in the upc.
Anyway overall - a very clear sound and a terrific spirit.
My 2 cents for ya!
Love ya lots and lots,
There was more in a 'PS' at the end of his PM but,
trust me, that information would be another entire 'Tulsa' type series of threads. Not sure we need that right now.
And, by the way, it has nothing to do with the UPC, television or the Tulsa crew.

The craziness just never ends!
(Why do I suddenly feel like Thad when I typed those last few lines?) hehe