Originally Posted by pelathais
I had to be away from the board last night so I missed the play-by-play. Reading the through the thread I got the impression from reports on Tulsa that thare were about 1,000 in attendance and about 80% of that crows was "preachers."
Is that tally correct? Too high, too low? Brother Craft preached but nothing was said about the message. What tone did he take? Anything noteworthy said?
Just trying to catch up here. Thanks.
I posted that Bro Craft was preaching b/c of a text./...
actually he was just speaking
all 7 (if you include Bro Craft) spoke last night....and I'm sure that they all "preached" a lil bit...
1000-1200 is a conservative guess
another stat said 1500 - 1600...
I would be comfortable saying that there was 1000 there last night...