Originally Posted by Sister Truth Seeker
Good Tuesday morning all....burrrrrrrr it is so cold here....we are in the 20's and below in some area's! Clear and cold! At least I am getting to see the sun, the bad part is..........................my windows are so dirty!!!! YIKES!
 OH but the sunshine is soooo nice after weeks of rain!
Where is everyone...is there a Gabby's boycott?
Ron how come you post here anymore?
QE....your usually here at least once a day!!!
Come on ladies, and a few brave men....post a note please! I don't want to
be the only one here!!!!!
I hope you all have a blessed and beautiful day!!!
Gooood Moooorning Ladies!
How is everyone doing.
STS-What a Bike! I think that would make it all the way to Canada!!!
CareyM, I know it is,t really a sellers market right now but God is till with you
and will guide you!
Blubayou, good to see you ministiribg to your friend.
QE, it is no fun have the kids sick. We had another friend whose kids got sick with Rubella & now the kids have a couple of spots.
If it isn't one t5hing it is another!
Tina, couldn't sleep? Musta been God waking you up to pray for your deer, snifff, Bro sniff, Ron.

Sis PO, is back posting!
Well I hope all are blessed mightily today!
Have a great day in Jesus!!!
PS we are expecting light fluriies over the next few days even thought it has been sunny the last couple of days!