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Old 01-16-2008, 09:01 PM
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Ferd, thank you.
Mrs. LPW

Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
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Old 01-16-2008, 10:53 PM
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I appreciate your post. I've seen what you are referring to more times that I can tell you about. I've been through church splits and seen have full of bitterness people become toward each other.

I was in a church that split right down the middle when the assistant pastor stood up in church one Sunday Morning and made a dramatic show. He walked away with half the church. Now more than 45 years later, both churches are UPC but many wounds never healed. Most of the leaders are now in their graves having never reconcilled.

I've seen other similar situations. Since that first split that, I've prayed that I will never have to see another one. It is very horrible.

Now, it appears that we have a developing chasm from coast to coast. I had hoped that I would never see such a thing in my life time. I am concerned that the ugly consequences are going to be far reaching, except the love of God prevails. After all, is not the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost?

Anyway, thank you Ferd for opening up your heart.
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Old 01-16-2008, 11:12 PM
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Originally Posted by pastorswife View Post
There's Hundreds of Apostolic Churches in this world.
Can you name two Pastors that will agree on every issue of what's right or wrong.

If it's our FRIENDS we are tolerant..it it's our ENEMY they are so wrong!!

I know Pastors that preach it's wrong to curl your hair, pluck your eyebrows, wear certain colors, go to amusement parks, wear your dresses to long, your sleeves have to be below the elbow, some think they should be to the wrist, you can wear a watch, you can't wear a watch, you can wear a wedding ring, you can't wear a wedding ring, women's hair has to be up, some it has to be down, you have to be in our group, you can't be in that group...etc!!!

I know there's some lines you can't cross..They are Heaven or Hell issues...but what's wrong with just living for God and stop all of the picking and back biting that goes on in this world.

AMEN...could it be that in the midts of all this debate we are loosing the main focus of what the church is about? I'm sure that hell is laughing....
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Old 01-17-2008, 12:08 AM
NW Pastor NW Pastor is offline
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Political or religious separation seldom leaves two neutral parties. Remember the Civil War? One side said they wanted to separate after an Anti-slavery president was elected. It was the straw that broke the camels back.

Of course, the issue was really an old one, the right of States to govern themselves. So the stated issue was not the real issue, and both sides knew it. Power or control are often the overriding principles when groups fracture.

There was no neutrality allowed. Both had to defend their positions and families were caught in the middle. There are still hard feelings today.

As Shakespere showed, it is difficult to remove a pound of flesh without shedding a little blood.
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Old 01-17-2008, 07:02 AM
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Originally Posted by stmatthew View Post
I don't think what is happening now and what happened in the late 60's with the AMF is the same thing. At least not yet.

Men were tossed out of the UPC in the 60's, and evicted from churches that they had personally built because they refused to not fellowship conservative independent men.
St. Matt, I spent some time thinking about this. Two players in that series of events were two of the greatest preachers in pentecost. One on each side of the divide. Both did all in the Name of God.

I wonder.
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