Originally Posted by Fonix
I was not saying in any way to be rude in the least bit but I was just commenting on the clerk. Not talking about our own actions.
To me, I think even if the food is not good at a restaurant Its not the waitress fault and we still should tip her for her good service.
I think we need to be a good respresentitive of Jesus Christ EVERYDAY of the yr
We have gone out to eat with church folks and they have left a $2 for a family of four. That amazes me.
I think one thing is my husband waited tables years ago so he knows what it is like to work hard and just get a $2 tip from cheap folks. It really isn't fair to the waiter. Even if the waiter is having a bad day (and we all do), we could make his/her day by being nice and leaving a decent tip. The waiter/waitress would remember someone being kind to them even though they may not have deserved it.