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Old 12-28-2007, 11:40 AM
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From discussion in the "Where have all the 3-Steppers Gone?" thread

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post

All I said was that there was proof of the existence in the belief in water baptism of the remission of sins, which in itself happens to be a key component of the water/spirit doctrine held by today's apostolics. I never said those 2 references were proof of Jesus name baptism. Never. I thought was very clear in what I said. (If you still don't see the distinction there, then let me know)
Thank you. However, you were offering the Councils to support Arnold's "facts" about the continous line of history. The Councils do not support Arnold's "facts." Plain and simple. If you wanted to traipse off at this point, then I brought you right back to YOUR original point - "Arnold's facts."

If the fire I'm holding your feet to is too hot, don't throw more fuel on the fire. Just tell me and we'll move on. Just tell me that you now no longer support Arnold's booklet as "fact."

It's no biggie to me. I bought into that same booklet when Brother Arnold was still alive. As a young college history major I sat in a parsonage office and asked him about it. He let me know that he didn't really want to talk about it.
Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
So here I am making one point.. and you're arguing strongly and forcefully about a different point altogether. Thats almost comical. You seemed to have been quite pleased with yourself after that last post, but if you are arguing something very different from the point that I'm making, then it makes your argument somewhat less impressive, doesn't it?
I'm happy if you think you can do a little dance here. That's cool, I want you to be happy. But you did say the Council quotes were being offered to support Arnold's "facts." If I dispelled you of that single notion, then I rejoice with you.

On the point of the councils: My "forceful" arguments did include the statement that you had provided "proof" only for 1200 years of infant baptism in the Matthew 28:19 formula, right? No evidence whatsoever of Acts 2:38 salvation.

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
Your elephant in a glove box analogy is just silly. Its an apples-oranges analogy and it just doesn't work. A full grown elephant can not not physically fit in a glove box. That is an impossibility. It is not an impossibility that Acts 2:38 doctrine existed in the 2000 years since Christ, even though you wish to claim as fact that it didn't exist. I guess you thought your analogy was cute, but its not. Nice try though.
You said: "To do so you would have to "prove a negative" something that's just not possible in this case."

To say, "You can't prove a negative" is a common rhetorical ploy that is used whenever a person runs out of evidence. By this point in the discussion, you had run out of evidence. I wanted to shake you up to the possibilities of our subject and not leave you in a dour mood.

You can prove a negative when it involves the absence of possibility, or odds so great that the situation is indeed impossible for all practical purposes. Finding a continuous line of Acts 2:38 salvation being practiced from ~200 A.D. until 1913 A.D. is impossible.

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
(There you go with that "papist" foolishness.)
This might be worth of its own thread. Consider: For years we have put forth "evidence" like Arnold's that Acts 2:38 salvation existed in a continuous unbroken line through history. Our primary excuse for the absence of evidence was, "the evil Catholic church burned all the records..."

When this tact didn't really pan out, and we simultaneously faced challenges from Evangelical groups, many of who also support the idea of the "evils of the Catholic Church," we began to take a new approach. I was there and I spoke in favor of this "new approach" (just for the record...).

A Oneness writer was as unsatisfied with the current bit of scholarship on this issue as I was. To be fair, he was far too gracious and would never come right out and put it that way. But he did offer some help for many of us who were beleaguered by the status quo.

In his writings he focused more upon answering the Evangelical attacks than on trying to provide the "continuous line" argument. This did appear to be a more productive approach to the issue of OP history and it benefitted greatly from the fact that we didn't have to make up stuff any more.

However, the approach did open us up to accusations of being called "papists" by the anti-RCC people among our Evangelical "friends." That's just part of the story, but it's important to see that as "the lay of the land" in this new approach to OP apologetics.

Since this approach does rest heavily upon historical integrity it has proven to be the preferred method of most new OP historians. However, they seem to balk at the idea of being called "papists" and "baptismal regenerationalist."

This is also an issue that we are dealing with on this board right now. We do teach baptismal regenerationalism- at least the vast majority of us do. When someone wants to "shake us up" about that they will inevitably call us "papists" and the like. That's just the way it goes. If you don't have a heart for that kind of debate, it's really easy to avoid becoming involved with the whole discussion- just stop talking about baptism!

I don't have you in mind here TRFrance, obviously you're game for a little rough and tumble action- that's cool. But there are so many others who come out swinging and when they knock themselves upside the head they cry out "foul."

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
Once again, take note, Pel... I did not cite the Creeds as being authoritative on doctrine. Again, I referred to them simply as historical references, simply to show that the idea of water baptism for the remission of sins was a widely known belief throughout Christendom long, before the UPC was even thought of. If you think I am claiming them as being doctrinally authoritative then again it proves you're just seeing what you want to.
My question here... (and again, it's not really for TRFRance, but for "whomsoever will...") are you ready for this approach? Are you really ready to discuss the issue from this angle? Don't cry "foul" when an Evangelical says, "Hey! THAT'S WHAT THE POPE TEACHES...!!!"
Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
I'm assuming you're a fairly intelligent guy, so I don't see why you are "puzzled" by the post. You were probably puzzled because you simply weren't paying proper attention to what was being said.
So here I am making one point.. and you're arguing strongly and forcefully about a different point altogether. Thats almost comical. You seemed to have been quite pleased with yourself after that last post, but if you are arguing something very different from the point that I'm making, then it makes your argument somewhat less impressive, doesn't it?
Well, flattery might get you somewhere... . And I did see the juxtaposition in your argument when you went from "Arnold's facts" to baptismal regenerationalism. It's just that such a leap is very controversial on AFF right now. You may not be entirely aware of it but folks have been banned for engaging in this discussion.
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Old 12-28-2007, 12:19 PM
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I won't fall for the fallacy of trying to prove my religion by an unbroken line of "church" adherents to any viewpoint...that truely is the Roman Catholic way of thinking which ironically many Protestants buy into when it comes to the doctrine of the Trinity. When it comes to salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone...they take a detour from that route.

If I am to be Sola Scriptura then I don't see how I can appeal to history (argument of antiquities)
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  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 12-28-2007, 12:28 PM
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Pel, you have done a great job of pointing out some of the fallacies here.

I don't think too many will want to challenge you on the specifics.

As Prax said and also Chris Hall said in the other thread, I don't need some historic time line to be secure in the Apostolic message. If I were the first to believe this since the Apostles, I would still be secure in my being right!

I would like to see if we could actually find real evidence of post AD300 of people being Baptized in Jesus Name and also (but not necessarily connected to) HGB.
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Old 12-28-2007, 12:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
Pel, you have done a great job of pointing out some of the falicies here.

I dont think too many will want to challenge you on the spicifics.

As Prax said and also Chris Hall said in the other tHread, I dont need some historic time line to be secure in the Apostolic message. If I were the first to believe this since the Apostles, I would still be secure in my being right!

I would like to see if we could actually find real evidence of post AD300 of people being Baptized in Jesus Name and also (but not necessarly connected to) HGB.
there may be little historical evidence of people being baptized either way before that date or after. What we have is people saying how TO baptize people and for that we might find both before that date such as the Didache which has echoes of both "formulas" I think. And I do agree though that there probably were some documents favorable to our view point that did not survive history for whatever reason, including the victors "burning" them...but it's irrelevent
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  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 12-28-2007, 01:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
there may be little historical evidence of people being baptized either way before that date or after. What we have is people saying how TO baptize people and for that we might find both before that date such as the Didache which has echoes of both "formulas" I think. And I do agree though that there probably were some documents favorable to our view point that did not survive history for whatever reason, including the victors "burning" them...but it's irrelevent
Often the burning of a "heretic's" writings was symbolic and not intended to destroy all evidence of the person's existence. Having the writings of those so condemned proved valuable in countering their claims.

The Vatican Library is a repository of a wealth of "heretical" material though to uncover more than just the standard fare requires credentialing by an accreditted university.

Still it's easier to comb those archives than it would be to get a look at Charles F. Parham's letters to Howard Goss which are kept in the vaults of an different "vatican" in Hazelwood.
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Old 12-28-2007, 01:22 PM
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Originally Posted by pelathais View Post

Still it's easier to comb those archives than it would be to get a look at Charles F. Parham's letters to Howard Goss which are kept in the vaults of an different "vatican" in Hazelwood.
Have you tried?
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Old 12-28-2007, 01:48 PM
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Pela, allow me to interject a post of yours and mine from several days ago...it was on the KH/Light Doctrine thread...

Originally Posted by Barb

Pela, you are too smart for me!!

However, let me just say though many have said Bro. A's history outline is "full of holes," I do believe he was right that the Church has existed in some form since it's birth.

I sit here with tears in my eyes, Pela, trying to put this into words that make sense. I simply cannot embrace the notion that Oneness Pentecostalism is a new fangled voice...I just cannot.

There has always been a remnant, perhaps not referred to as OPs or Apostolics, but those who held to belief, repentance, baptism in the Name, and Spirit infilling never ceased to exist.

I will believe this until I kick...

Originally Posted by pelathais

Hi Barb, Like you, I also do not believe the Oneness Acts 2:38 message to be "new fangled." It was the practice of the Apostles in the first century. It's just that over the last 100 years we've been accused of inventing it. To answer those accusations we've tried to find historical support for the doctrine and we have presented some unfortunate ideas and examples and people have actually lost faith because of it.

The Bible plan of salvation is quite clear. We are not saved by works of righteousness that we have done, but "by grace through faith" (Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5). I believe that there is also a grace that is conferred through our obedience to the command to be baptized in Jesus name, though I'm not entirely satisfied with the ways in which I have tried to articulate that in the past.

Today there is a continuing movement within our ranks to move our attitudes toward other Christians away from the attitude that was held by our Pentecostal forebears. This movement will often frame their arguments in terms of "our heritage." They wish to get us to abandon our heritage by appealing to a heritage that they just made up. This conundrum has honestly brought me to tears.

I spent years being frustrated by it and even intimidated by it. Holding my tongue has almost cost me my life - literally. Our pioneers did not condemn other Christians. Our pioneers did not make statements like a few posters have made in this thread. Our pioneers did not say things like, "I believe Trinitarians are lost..."

I'm trying to be true to what I sincerely believe to be a remarkable and important heritage.
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Old 12-28-2007, 07:25 PM
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Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
Have you tried?
A more well known writer did and had access for a while before being shut out. I have gone through some unorganized archival material there back before the third floor was added. I'm sure that I wouldn't even recognize anything today.

The guy who "holds the keys" today kind of owes me a favor, but he would never admit it and he would certainly not allow the likes of me in there in the current climate of the UPC.
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Old 12-28-2007, 07:27 PM
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Thanks Barb!
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Old 12-28-2007, 07:33 PM
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Does it matter if history supports it?

What history?

Who's history?

Isn't the Bible enough?
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