Is this the UPC bashers club?
Really? It's what it seems like.
Every thread seems to be about something wrong with the UPC.
And our buddy from Amarillo didn't even start one of them.
The UPC isn't the only org on the planet. Why don't you pick on another one for a while?
The AoG
The CoG
The Episcopalian Church
I bet you they have just as much scandal, just as much corruption, per capita. They might even have more.
This little show is gettin' a little old.
Don't like the UPC? Why are you in it?
Already left? Well, good for you. Now, get over it.
Can't? Should have thought about that before you left.
Want back in? Speaking ill is not going to help.
How about a little unity instead of gossip?
How about a little uplifting instead of casting down?
How about a little effort to reconcile rather than destroying?
Now, back to my hole...
Oh! That I may be found faithful!