Hello ladies!!

I am excited because I finally found what I was looking for on ebay at a decent price!!!!! It was only $5.00 more than what I would have bought it in the store for + shipping which is worth it to me because we were going to have to drive an hour away to get it up until today when I found out they no longer had it in stock so I went on ebay and the first one that popped up had 10 minutes left and was the cheapest I have seen yet!!! So, I waited till the last 20 seconds and bid and I won!!! My daughter is going to be so suprised! I can't wait till she gets to open it on Christmas.
And I think we are going to cut down our tree this weekend! I still feel the stress of the money but I am determined that I am not going to let it ruin my Christmas Spirit!! I am sooo ready! I took yesterday off spur of the moment and stayed home and cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. Sometimes I feel that we just gogogogogo and are never home and our house gets neglected, so when I start dreading to go home I get mad becuase I want my home to be a comfort zone, not a dreaded place. So, I stayed home and got things in order and we are thinking about hiring a lady to come and clean once a week so that we can just work on the regular up keep and laundry and let her do the cleaning part because we just simply are never home.
Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!! I'm sure I will be around most of today.