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Old 11-27-2007, 01:45 PM

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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
Steadfast, as I was thinking along these lines, I remembered an incident that happened when I was a kid. This family started coming to church. They received the Holy Ghost and were really getting involved and doing well.

One night we had a tremendous service and someone gave a message in tongues. It was clear this was the real deal but no interpretation came.

The pastor stood up and said that he felt that someone had the message and he implored whomever it was to give it.

Still nothing was said. We waited on the Lord and this new fellow eventually stood up and said “It’s Me!” and ran out.

To this day, he has not come back to church. What a sad and curious thing. He literally feared being used by God more than being lost in eternity.

This post alone shows us the absolute need to get newer converts into serious teachings about the operation of the Spirit, spiritual sensitivity and understanding spiritual gifts. It should be done as soon as their feet find 'sure ground' in the Church.

What a sad situation, Ferd. One that I've seen played out various times.

Thanks for the post...
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Old 11-27-2007, 01:46 PM
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Originally Posted by freeatlast View Post
Hav'nt read the whole thread so this may have been discussed.

In my early years in Pentecost Back sliding was a very often heard message.

It seemed at first this all I heard about.

It caused me to fear God in an unhealthy sense of the word fear.

I just knew i could'nt make it. No way could I ever live up to what was expected of a Christian.

Every year on my new birth anniversary I would be astounded that I survived another year, and NO I was not a weak Christian. i lived and thought of God 24/7. I won over a dozen souls to Christ my first year.

But yet I was not free, in my knowledge of Christ, that He would not smite me at the slightest sneeze and then I would also be one of those awful backsliders I constantly heard about.

My point ? If we'd preach and teach liberty and victory in Christ more than we teach, "if the righteous scarcely be saved" we'd see less of what we call backsliders in our congregations.

Some of our preaching creates a defeated mindset in our people.

We have put in the minds of some that they must be "Mother Thersa on steriods" or you just ain't saved.

The word backslider has not been used in my congregation for years.

We don't have any. We got a few that are a little delinquent in their walk. Maybe not pleasing their father as they could.

But we will not label them "backsliders" and relegate them to the back pew.
I'm sorry I think that "if the righteous scarcely be saved" is mentioned in the Bible WE should in no way minimumize it. I think if anything we should take heed.

Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
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Old 11-27-2007, 05:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Steadfast View Post
This is another great post that I evidently overlooked in the flow of things.

To emphasize just one aspect of the truth in this post... Isn't it strange that some people can reach the place that they even fear God's will for their lives?

"If I come back God's going to make me preach" (Ironically, I don't think it works that way), "If I come back I'm going to be used of God in ways I'm not comfortable with". Believe it or not, I've heard both of those used as an excuse to why certain individuals can't sell out.

Fear... without trust.

Good insight, Ferd.
I identify with this post way too much to be particularly comfortable. heh
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Old 11-27-2007, 05:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Esther View Post
I'm sorry I think that "if the righteous scarcely be saved" is mentioned in the Bible WE should in no way minimumize it. I think if anything we should take heed.

Sorry Esther, what I am refering to is the teaching that it is our rightousness or good works that will somehow save us.

When it is the rightousness of Christ, that has been imputed to us, that brings us freely to salvation.

It is a doctrine that seems foreign to many OP's as it is rarely taught in our church's.

It was a good 30 years (or a bad 30 years) before I ever heard it taught.
God has lavished his love upon me.
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Old 11-27-2007, 06:38 PM
meBNme meBNme is offline
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I just thought of another mistake that backsliders make.
It also happens to be a mistake that new converts make.
Crazy thing is, it's also a mistake that "saints" make.

Backsliders sometimes, after coming back, get caught up in the
"phew! I'm BACK!" part of it all. They get relieved and feel so much better about being "back" that they stay there. They prayed through, stopped doing all the really bad things, and come to church, and think "OK, I can relax now, I'm back".

New converts are very similar. They feel like "WOW! This is awesome, I am where I always wanted to be! Cool, lets go eat!"

some of us who have been around a while also get comfortable, we feel "satisfied" and stop pushing so hard to know God better, to get deeper.

The danger there is, "beware ye stand, lest ye fall".

Personally, I think this is a major contributor to those who are "serial backsliders". They come in, pray through, and BAM! its all good! Then a month later who knows where they are? They stopped fighting for their salvation, they don't realize you have to pursue your relationship with God.

It's like a mentor told me on my wedding day.
He said, "Remember, What it took to get her, it will take to keep her."

We can't go all out, and give all we are to be saved, and then sit back and recline on our "Holy Ghost lazyboy" and expect to stay saved.
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Old 11-28-2007, 08:25 AM
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Originally Posted by meBNme View Post

Key word.... "supposedly"
Also, some who are trying to be close to him, are still yet imperfect humans, and as humans we often do stupid things. That has nothing to do with Gods perfection though. God is good, even if his followers are not always.
You said alot, but this was the part I wanted to focus on.

You said "God is good, even if his followers are not..."

Question: Who says God is good?

Answer: His followers.

God has never spoken to me from heaven to assure me of his goodness. Nope, the only places I have heard this said were from his followers, and from the Bible (a book of writings, written by his followers).

So can you see the irony of what you are telling me? Believe that God is good, because his followers say so, even though their behavior shows otherwise.

Of course, I must say that in my experience, his followers are much more likely to say that God is judgemental, harsh, exacting, arbitrary and capricious then they are to say that he is good.
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Old 11-28-2007, 08:40 AM
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Originally Posted by nahkoe View Post
I know you probably don't know me from anyone but I've seen your posts, I've read them over and over. I wish I knew you better to more accurately judge this post. My impression is, you're not very happy where you are. Other posts I've read in the past have made me think you were pretty happy. It's ok either way, just something I noticed.

You're right the Apostolic church can't contain God's Spirit. It just can't.

I want to say so much more, but I feel I'd be overstepping my bounds maybe? Again, I know you don't know me but feel free to PM me. I hold no judgement, I don't preach well. But I hated the Church, the whole Church, hard enough and for long enough to at least nod well while I listen. That offer stands indefinitely. Oh and I for sure know what not to say. lol I heard it all often enough.

It's not unhappiness that you hear as much as it was blunt sarcasm. Since I left the apostolic church, I have lost my ability to understand the mindset that is prevelent there. I don't mean to sound so rude and mocking as I come off, but it all kind of sounds ludicrius to me now.

Many reading that are probably wondering why in the world I bother to come around then, and the truth is, I am still trying to deconstruct my entire experience in the UPC

I wouldn't say that I hate the church, and I definately don't hate individuals, but as a whole my experience with the apostolic church (which is really the only experience I ever had with god or christianity) was horrible. And I try to figure out what made me join in the first place, or why I stayed so long.

As to whether or not I am happy. Of course I'm not "happy". I am still way too messed up to be considered happy. I was giving a messed up distrorted view of God and Christianity, and have been to somehow piece together the real Jesus from millions of puzzle pieces. Except for 99% of the puzzle pieces belong to a different puzzle, and only 1% are real. Oh, and I can't use my hands, my ears or my eyes to try and differentiate between them.

That's kind of what I feel like, LOL

So no, this is not a place of happiness. But I wouldn't trade this journey for anything, because If I believe anything, its that one day I will end up with something real, and strong, and good.
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Old 11-28-2007, 08:42 AM
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Originally Posted by nahkoe View Post
You just made what's quite possibly the most profound statement in this thread, maybe the entire forum. lol

Who He is is so much more...everthing than what I'd ever been taught. I don't want to teach people who God is, I want to introduce them to Him. He can take care of the teaching.

And if you really want to know, you'll know. It may take longer than you think it should, it may take twists and turns you can't think could possibly be God, but you'll know who He really is at the end of the road.
Thank you.

Originally Posted by nahkoe View Post
Seriously, may I use this as my sig line?
And yes, you may
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Old 11-28-2007, 08:43 AM
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This piece especially.

Originally Posted by Michlow View Post
So no, this is not a place of happiness. But I wouldn't trade this journey for anything, because If I believe anything, its that one day I will end up with something real, and strong, and good.
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Old 11-28-2007, 08:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Michlow View Post
Thank you.

And yes, you may
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