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Old 11-26-2007, 12:04 PM
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Esther, I am sorry for what you are going thru. I have had 2 First Cousins commit suicide. One this year and the other about 5 years ago. What a horrible tragedy.
What I have come to understand is that depression is a disease that is as deadly has cancer. And not all that different from cancer or heart disease or any other lethal sickness.

What I have come to understand is that it isn’t the disease one dies from but what is the condition of the soul? If you are saved and you die from a heart attack there isn’t a question.

Why do we make it a question when a saved person dies from depression?
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Old 11-26-2007, 12:17 PM
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Originally Posted by OneAccord View Post
Im very sorry for your loss. And, I wish I could say something to help ease your pain or answer your questions. To be honest (and I expect to be mobbed), suicide is a delicate issue for me. Like you, I have always heard that one who commits suicide automatically goes to hell because they have committed a murder. But, then again, I don't know that a God of love, a God of mercy ever "automatically" consigns anyone to hell. Maybe the situations in the personal lives of my wife and me right now has me a little too close to the subject to give an onjective answer. So, I'll just offer my opinion.

But, I wonder about the life of one who feels so desperate , so hopeless, that suicide is, or seems to be, the only alternative for them. Is their life already a living hell? What misery they must already have endured. What empty torment was theirs that drove them to that point. I don't know. Honestly, I don't... but I believe...

Every situation is different and we can discuss "hypotheticals" all day long, but, in the end, the question goes unanswered. I read of a young girl who had committed suicide before she turned 12. She had been sexually, physically and emotionally abused her entire life. Her situation was hopeless, her life: a living hell. Did she die and go to hell because she ended, not a life, but a miserable existence? I don't know... but I believe...

I believe there is a God who doesn't jusdge with a "one size fits all" mentality. I believe there are cases when God surveys the situation and judges on the merits of the case. Like a man, a poor man who steals a loaf of bread to feed his starving children. The law demands justice... the law demands that a penalty must be paid. But the judge has descretion... the judge has latitude to lessen the sentence based on the merits of the case. God is not bound by a law or Law. He is His own Law. I believe God judges, not so much a persons actions, but the intents of the heart. I believe God has latitude to judge us as he sees fit. And, in regards to your question, I believe God judges one who commits suicide on the quality, or lack thereof, of their existence on earth. To put it simply, no, IMO, I don't think God "automatically" sends someone to hell for committing suicide.
Excellent post!
Thank you!
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Old 11-26-2007, 12:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post
I pray God will bring you comfort during this difficult time, Sister Esther.
Thank you DA.
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Old 11-26-2007, 12:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
What I have come to understand is that depression is a disease that is as deadly has cancer. And not all that different from cancer or heart disease or any other lethal sickness.

What I have come to understand is that it isn’t the disease one dies from but what is the condition of the soul? If you are saved and you die from a heart attack there isn’t a question.

Why do we make it a question when a saved person dies from depression?
You make an excellent case, indeed.
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Old 11-26-2007, 12:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
Esther, I am sorry for what you are going thru. I have had 2 First Cousins commit suicide. One this year and the other about 5 years ago. What a horrible tragedy.
What I have come to understand is that depression is a disease that is as deadly has cancer. And not all that different from cancer or heart disease or any other lethal sickness.

What I have come to understand is that it isn’t the disease one dies from but what is the condition of the soul? If you are saved and you die from a heart attack there isn’t a question.

Why do we make it a question when a saved person dies from depression?
Ferd, you have some valid points here.

Also remember her daughter that is a teenager that found her. I just received a phone call that said they had an augument before she shot herself.

This is very tragic for many reasons. She is probably now blaming herself. This time of the year could not be a worse time for this to happen. There is no way in her right mind she would have done this to her daughter.

Please keep her in your prayers.
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Old 11-26-2007, 12:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post
Our God is a righteous judge and I think grace is bigger word than we think.

Our standing before God is based on the penalty paid for us by His Lamb, our substitute.
You are correct Dan, God IS a righteous judge, and I think that is something that gets lost with a lot of people, HE is the judge.

My approach to this subject is the same that I have with the subject of anyones salvation, that it is between them and God. I don't ever want to put myself in the postion of trying to be someones "judge", there is only One qualified for that role.

My personal opinion is that there will be a lot of suprised people come the real judgement day. IMO
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Old 11-26-2007, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by dizzyde View Post
You are correct Dan, God IS a righteous judge, and I think that is something that gets lost with a lot of people, HE is the judge.

My approach to this subject is the same that I have with the subject of anyones salvation, that it is between them and God. I don't ever want to put myself in the postion of trying to be someones "judge", there is only One qualified for that role.

My personal opinion is that there will be a lot of suprised people come the real judgement day. IMO
So true.
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Old 11-26-2007, 02:23 PM
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I believe that the Mercy of God will cover those who are in christ even in the instance of suicide. A lot of people are committing slow suicide from depression from the way the eat and take care of their bodies. what's the diff between doing it the slow way and dragging it out with a dieased riddled carcass and doing it quickly ?
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Old 11-26-2007, 02:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post
I believe that the Mercy of God will cover those who are in christ even in the instance of suicide. A lot of people are committing slow suicide from depression from the way the eat and take care of their bodies. what's the diff between doing it the slow way and dragging it out with a dieased riddled carcass and doing it quickly ?
Thad I was not aware of anyone doing a slow death by not eating. That would be tough.
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Old 11-26-2007, 02:26 PM
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[QUOTE=Ferd;311275]Esther, I am sorry for what you are going thru. I have had 2 First Cousins commit suicide. One this year and the other about 5 years ago. What a horrible tragedy.
What I have come to understand is that depression is a disease that is as deadly has cancer. And not all that different from cancer or heart disease or any other lethal sickness.

What I have come to understand is that it isn’t the disease one dies from but what is the condition of the soul? If you are saved and you die from a heart attack there isn’t a question.
Why do we make it a question when a saved person dies from depression?[/QUOTE]


you are a wise man. I had never thought of suicide from this point of view before. That's an excellent point! Thanks for sharing it.

I agree with the others. It is definately not our place to determine where anyone will spend eternity. That is GOD's job and His alone.

Esther, I am very sorry to hear about your friend. I pray that God will comfort you and also her daughter through this difficult, almost impossible, time.
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