Originally Posted by Kansas Preacher
Revrandy is a member of CAF. He has told me on numerous occasions how much he appreciated that forum. For him to make a comment that we would "like" Reckart on CAF is to publicly attack our forum. I'm disappointed that Revrandy has said one thing to me privately and something altogether different on THIS forum.
Originally Posted by CC1
Is CAF not diverse enough that you don't have some hard core ultra cons who would lke this guy?
I didn't read RevRandy's post as an attack on CAF. I assumed he meant only that SOME on CAF would like that guy. I never read that as an indictment of the entire forum. Of course he could have helped by posting a little more specific in that regard.
I hope this doesnt mean Rev Randy is going to be banned from his fellow conservative brethern over at CAF
Just got back from church....It was brought to my attention by Kansas Preacher in contacting me...
Let me be clear on this...
When it was first posted and you reread the post... my first comment to THAD was "
WHO IS THIS GUY?" Concerning Reckhert....
I made the comment off the cuff somewhat.. didn't think a thing about it...
I had never heard of Reckhert before....
I then became more familiar with Reckhert and understood more about him...
and could understand
why he wouldn't be allowed on CAF...completely
I will say that CAF is a good fellowship of like minded men who by kindness and mercy have allowed me to be a part of....even though I have some differences with some (NOT CONCERNING DOCTRINE)... and they know because I told them coming in... and they have been kind enough to let me stay on...
I have defended them here a number of times...
I do apologize for my comments....I write this NOT just stay on CAF as I told Kansas Preacher if he felt I needed to go I would...
I am not a person who likes to offend folks... but I will defend the Oneness Message and may lock horns with those who differ... I may like to put a burr under someones saddle every once in awhile just to keep it interesting...
I hope this explains my faux pau..on my part...