So preacher can be run down, belittled, bad mouthed and tore down but don't' dare say anything about a church member. That is a double standard. There aer plenty of rotten, backslid, lying, backstabbing, two faced church members out there, that ae out to destroy every preacher they can. They will destroy any preacher that they can not run. They will starve him and his family out. They will use him and abuse him and then dump him. There are many backslidden preachers, [preacher's wives, and preacher kids because of them rotten saints that would stop at nothing to get their way in church.
Whole Hearted - please calm down.
Admin has NOT determined this thread to be preacher bashing, so let it go.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
So preacher can be run down, belittled, bad mouthed and tore down but don't' dare say anything about a church member. That is a double standard. There aer plenty of rotten, backslid, lying, backstabbing, two faced church members out there, that ae out to destroy every preacher they can. They will destroy any preacher that they can not run. They will starve him and his family out. They will use him and abuse him and then dump him. There are many backslidden preachers, [preacher's wives, and preacher kids because of them rotten saints that would stop at nothing to get their way in church.
Sorry we've made it so tuff on you brother.
God has lavished his love upon me.
So preacher can be run down, belittled, bad mouthed and tore down but don't' dare say anything about a church member. That is a double standard. There aer plenty of rotten, backslid, lying, backstabbing, two faced church members out there, that ae out to destroy every preacher they can. They will destroy any preacher that they can not run. They will starve him and his family out. They will use him and abuse him and then dump him. There are many backslidden preachers, [preacher's wives, and preacher kids because of them rotten saints that would stop at nothing to get their way in church.
I have never seen one like this, never heard tell of saints like this.
I think you are just making it up to stir up this thread.
To speak so of God's heritage WH TSK TSK TSK
God has lavished his love upon me.
I have never seen one like this, never heard tell of saints like this.
I think you are just making it up to stir up this thread.
To speak so of God's heritage WH TSK TSK TSK
I would have to agree with you, to call people those rotten saints--besides the use of that phrase doesn't actually stir anyone to be a supporter of WH's cause, it's very derogatory and demeaning.
Pastors are in a position of power, and they know it. No, not all pastors abuse that power. But many do, to one degree or another. When they do, they need to be held accountable. They need to be put on notice that criminal acts will no longer be tolerated. If the victims, for whatever reason, are not able to file charges, then somebody else needs to step in, whenever possible, while providing every protection possible to the victims.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
I guess if we go by this line of thought then we preacher need to start talking about the rotten saints then.
OH I know that they do....I have heard the gossip amoung goodness....some of the worst came in that circle! All in the name of how much they care....
And you do have power...if you didn't no pastor would ever be removed and I know it does happen
So preacher can be run down, belittled, bad mouthed and tore down but don't' dare say anything about a church member. That is a double standard. There aer plenty of rotten, backslid, lying, backstabbing, two faced church members out there, that ae out to destroy every preacher they can. They will destroy any preacher that they can not run. They will starve him and his family out. They will use him and abuse him and then dump him. There are many backslidden preachers, [preacher's wives, and preacher kids because of them rotten saints that would stop at nothing to get their way in church.
So preacher can be run down, belittled, bad mouthed and tore down but don't' dare say anything about a church member. That is a double standard. There aer plenty of rotten, backslid, lying, backstabbing, two faced church members out there, that ae out to destroy every preacher they can. They will destroy any preacher that they can not run. They will starve him and his family out. They will use him and abuse him and then dump him. There are many backslidden preachers, [preacher's wives, and preacher kids because of them rotten saints that would stop at nothing to get their way in church.
Please be advised that you are being disruptive on this thread. The above post was pushing the line to being a model poster/pastor.
Please refrain from bringing this thread down to something it's not.
__________________ "Ya'll behave now, ya hear!"
The Admin Team
The Mrs
If I were a betting man I would lay money down that if preacher got on here talking about saints like the preacher have been talked about here, that there would be an outcry. Look at how those rotten preachers are talking about the poor little saints.
I am praying as I am typing this, I really hope as a man of God, as a shepard of a flock, that you are not as as unfeeling and uncaring as you come across in your posts. I have no idea who you are, all I have to go on is what I see from you on this forum. And I don't see any compassion or kindness from you on here. I realize that you may be frustrated by some of the things that you see on here, but to paint everyone on here with the same brush is not fair.
I have close family in the ministry, and I believe WHOLEHEARTEDLY in respect and deference to the ministry. But to imagine that because someone is a preacher, that he is not human or capable of bad actions is not reasonable. And you seem to be implying that if someone is a preacher, he should get a free pass on this kind of behavior. I know that cannot be correct, am I misreading you?
When Wholehearted isn't making a typical one-line posting proclaiming the "fill in the name of the standard" and on the rare occasion when he types a short paragraph discussing something other then his short "fill in the name of the standard", he comes across as actually human.
I would like to know who the REAL Wholehearted is one of these days. He seems like he can be a very nice reasonable guy on those occasions!