Originally Posted by RandyWayne
Actually when it comes to politics, I am an extreme right wing nut economically and at least far-right on social issues.... But spiritually I am so liberal that I could play the part of Alan Colmes if there were ever the equivalent of a Hannity & Colmes Christian talk show.
In fact, Alan Colmes wrote a book where he claimed that if Jesus were alive today he would be a liberal democrat. Of course this offended me to no end BUT I firmly believe that if Jesus WERE alive (in the flesh and walking that is), he WOULD be on the lib side of many of the issues we talk about.
Boy o By I had to you all wrong- seriously. I thought you was a Conservative UPC Preacher LOL ! I had no idea that you had gone Charismatic. I'll have to revise my list
I'd ask you what liberal issues Jesus would side with the DEMS if it wasn't for the fact it would probably sabatoge this thread -(
as you might know i'm a democrat lol)