Originally Posted by Old Paths
What about a Bible college started by a Missionary?
Wow, that would be interesting - just from the geo-political angles.
Property in many developing nations is so often determined by who totes the most AK47's. So the ownership of land and buildings, while subject to law, may be as shaky as the regime holding power- something to keep in mind when praying for our missionaries.
My understanding is that the schools that are endorsed by the UPC FM division are under the ownership and control of the national church bodies. For example a UPC Bible School in Kenya is owned and controled by the legal entity known as the UPC of Kenya. It's constitution and manual would describe anything else further.
In some countries, the "church" has to be licensed by the government in order to operate. For practical purposes, in some countries you have denominations sort of lumped together under such licenses. I don't think property ownership is effected, but again, the whole paradigm of freedom that we're used to in North America goes out the window in far too many places in the world. Setting up a school is a real gamble and and an act of faith.