Originally Posted by Sherri
My tithe check is the first one I write each week, before I pay any bills. I LOVE to tithe! I would love to tithe $1,000 each week!!! God has given and given and given to us, and I love to give to Him. He always gives back so much more!
By the way, I gave away a washer and dryer a few years back to someone who needed it. Recently my son moved to an apartment and needed a set. I was able to go to God and ask for one, because I had sowed one. Guess what? Someone gave him a set that is only three years old!!! God is so good!
I shared with someone yesterday that a Church Mother used to say, "God is good, and He's better than that!!" Amen!! I am a firm believer, Sis. C, that when we take care of His business and see after His called and His people, He takes care of us!!
Hallelujah for answering your need!!