This thread has gotten so funny! I know this guy is doing his best to insult me - so I have a few questions for him concerning HIS Apostolic ministry.
You know good and well how I baptize if you have read this thread - I have posted this over and over again. Why are you so concerned about ME and how I do it? How many are you baptizing there?
Now - I would like to know if when you baptize - Do you baptize them sitting down or standing up, in running water or still water, Hot or cold, with hair up or down, if you say exactly, "In Jesus Name Only" or do you say something before and after you baptize? Can they be baptized with short pants or short sleeves on? Who do you pay tithe to?
Do you have them call on the name of the Lord or do you call on the name of the Lord? Do you ever use the word Father in your prayers? Do you baptize in a metal, plastic or wooden baptistry or always in a lake, river or stream - how about a swimming pool - do you think that is legal since they did not have them in the Bible days.
I have not been to your church and thus - I conclude that since you did not say exactly how you do it - that you do it by saying in the name of Bob Dylan. :-) The JOY of the LORD is your STRENGTH!
"Inappropriate?" Could I just be "mistaken" or "wrong" without being "inappropriate?"
Adding your own judgements clouds the discussion- especially when your point was that my judgements were wrong. Then we go back and forth about our feelings until we can get together for a group hug. Let's hug now ...
*hugs pelathais*
Originally Posted by pelathais
That's cool. Of course the clarity I sought was missing from your original post where you stated "full immersion." I had no idea that you equated "full immersion" with "Jesus Name." From my experience, by far most people who dunk with "full immersion" do so in the name of the titles, and etc.
Refresh your page from time to time. I've noticed that there is some lag on this board. Maybe it's just my connection here at work. Rock on.
What do you mean "refresh you page"? I must've missed something here!...
*hugs pelathais*
What do you mean "refresh you page"? I must've missed something here!...
Sorry. I had edited a post with an emoticon and it just seemed that you may have missed my attempt at being a little more clear. Refreshing the page would have made my update visible.
I've gotten in the refresh habit here. I was missing PMs and other stuff while I read through a thread. Then I'd go to the next page and a bunch of stuff hits me at once. When I'm at work I'm stuck with IE6 - that may be my only problem.
This thread has gotten so funny! I know this guy is doing his best to insult me - so I have a few questions for him concerning HIS Apostolic ministry.
You know good and well how I baptize if you have read this thread - I have posted this over and over again. Why are you so concerned about ME and how I do it? How many are you baptizing there?
I apologize in that I have not read the entire thread. I read the first few posts when I responded the other day, have been off for a while, logged on today and checked out your response to my response to your initial post, and I had to respond to that. So no, I don't know how you baptized, as you have pointed out, I am a "newbie", so I am unfamiliar with you, or your doctrinal positions or practices. Would you care to spare me having to reread 14 pages of posts and simply submit the answer to my question here? Thanks.
Also, the only reason I "tried to insult" was in response to your attempts at insult... but then again, two wrongs don't make it right, and I should have remained above the fray, but you need to be confronted here IMO...
Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop
Now - I would like to know if when you baptize - Do you baptize them sitting down or standing up, in running water or still water, Hot or cold, with hair up or down, if you say exactly, "In Jesus Name Only" or do you say something before and after you baptize? Can they be baptized with short pants or short sleeves on? Who do you pay tithe to?
Do you have them call on the name of the Lord or do you call on the name of the Lord? Do you ever use the word Father in your prayers? Do you baptize in a metal, plastic or wooden baptistry or always in a lake, river or stream - how about a swimming pool
yes, all or any of the above that are available....
Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop
- do you think that is legal since they did not have them in the Bible days.
I have not been to your church and thus - I conclude that since you did not say exactly how you do it - that you do it by saying in the name of Bob Dylan. :-) The JOY of the LORD is your STRENGTH!
Let me help you guys out. Dyan aint progressive in the same way the good Bishop is. The good Bishop has a sense of humor that dont play well on Dylan's guitar.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Let me help you guys out. Dyan aint progressive in the same way the good Bishop is. The good Bishop has a sense of humor that dont play well on Dylan's guitar.
I do like Bob's "Slow Train Coming" album..........[YT="Slow Train Coming"]_3G0BKI7oho[/YT]
Psa 119:165 (KJV) 165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.
"Do not believe everthing you read on the internet" - Abe Lincoln
Evidently he succeeded. It certainly made for an interesting last couple responses! We'll see how good his character is if he can take what I said with a grain of salt and good spirit and attitude.....
It's up to you to test him, huh?
Started to call you "brother", but think I will wait a while.
I just need a Youth Pastor and a Baptistry! Anyone got one of those $2000 portable ones? Do you like it? I want to stand outside the baptistry and dunk them - Elder EPLEY - is that legal???????? He is our resident theologian isn't he?
Atlanta Bishop, do you have a baptistry yet?
God is good!
May my life be a daily example of the redeeming power and the love of God
Hello Coffee - Thank you for your inquiry. No, We do not have a baptistry yet - but I know BobDylan is so concerned about it - I am sure he will be sending one so that I can baptize people the Biblical way. He has made millions with his music so I know he will be generous and help an Apostolic Brother out!
I decided if I get a website, there will be no ''statement of faith". I'll leave the speculation to retentive people who have nothing better to do than tear down and criticize. I'll save the gospel for the seekers. The Book of Acts establishes the principle that salvation message is intended for those who desire it. I don't read where the apostles wasted the the plan of salvation on those who didn't express an interest in surrendering to God.
The main reason people put a statement of faith on a web site is to affirm their dogma to the self righteous.
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson
Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado
Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard
Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV