Originally Posted by Steve Epley
It would be interesting to know how many on this forum new about DW before they came to forums?
Just like folks quote Tom Fudge and only a small handfull of Canadians new him or of him before his book.
I was familiar with the name but not the individual.
Some time after I was baptized in Jesus' name in October 1955 I started going to a UPC church in Racine, WI. The church was named Bethel Tabernacle and was pastored by Bro. Lester Thompson who had previously been an editor of the Pentecostal Herald. The man who baptized me, Bro. L.R. Mitchell, had gone to Minot, ND to plant a church. I received the HGB at Bethel Tabernacle on May 20, 1956. Then in September 1956 I went to St. Paul, MN to Bible School.
We used to have fellowship meetings in that area of the state on certain Saturdays with an afternoon service where different preachers spoke briefly, dinner, Youth Meeting (Pentecostal Conquerors), and then an evening meeting. I remember some blond guy(s) named Wasmundt from the UPC in nearby Kenosha, WI but didn't really know any of them.