Over a year of Genocide in Gaza
This isn’t antisemitic to criticize Modern Zionist Israel. Never in my life has this country run amuck as it is doing. The amount of killing of Palestinians is off the charts. Not all Jews support Israel’s killing in Gaza. Zionism and Judaism are two totally different things. Zionism is political where Judaism is a religion. Our country is being pulled into a bad situation. The United States supplying Israel with 70% of the weapons. Weapons being used to kill innocent Palestinian, men, women, and children. We as Apostolic should be vigilant in praying for Israel, Palestine, and our own country. While we vote as hard as possible for the lesser of two evils. Let’s focus on the only King who can change the course of man. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only Leader who cares about us. Let us pray for Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Palestine, Iran, Lebanon, and the United States. The only way we will survive 2025 to 2028 will be through prayer in Jesus name.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence