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Old 11-13-2013, 04:12 PM
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Re: Bombshell- Considering going back to the UPC

Heard General conference messages? Flactuence of the highest order. We are truth bearers. Every one else is lost. Our version of truth is the only version that matters. Trying to intimidate the ignorant to stay ignorant.

Originally Posted by Abiding Now View Post
Could you point to a web page where I too can hear "the intimidation and ignorance"? Thanks.
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard

Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV
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Old 11-13-2013, 04:14 PM
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Re: Bombshell- Considering going back to the UPC

There is plenty of material online. No one has to hear the Hazelwood Follies second hand anymore. Pick one.
Originally Posted by n david View Post

No. But there's plenty of "I heard from someone who's best friend is the cousin of the HQ 1st floor janitor and the janitor's co-worker told him he heard from a 2nd floor mailroom clerk that there was a note on DKB's desk which had the words 'ignore' and 'intimidate.'"

A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard

Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV
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Old 10-29-2024, 09:13 PM
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Re: Bombshell- Considering going back to the UPC

Originally Posted by Jason B View Post
This ought to be an interesting topic.

Its true. I have actually been considering going back to a UPC church. My wife and I have been discussing visiting a moderate UPC that some friends of ours attend.

I know that some people's reaction is going to be "you're crazy!" and thats fine, in fact that makes for an interesting conversation.

So let me preface my reasoning with a couple of statements for anyone who comments on this thread to keep in mind.
#1)First and formemost I do not believe the UPC to be the one true church, or the "Ark", or any such non sense. In my view the UPC is simply a fellowship of mostly like minded believers, organizing for a common cause, to spread the gospel. I see the UPC as a Christian denomination, even though they don't like the word, just like other denomoninations, e.g. Southern Baptists, Methodists, etc. I do not believe that there is salvation only in the UPC (or oneness pentecostalism). I believe there are many believers, yea, trinitarians who are saved. I've met some fine believers, who are every bit as dedicated to the Lord Jesus (if not more dedicated) than many oneness believers I have known over the years.

#2)I do not now, nor have I at any time considered myself "backslidden." I do not see returning to the UPC in anyway whatsoever necessary to my salvation. I do not feel conviction to return, nor necessity.

#3) (I'll thrown in a 3rd statement, even though I only said a couple.)
Over the last few years I have shifted from a hardline UC view of standards and 3 step salvation to embracing the doctrine of justification by faith, to believing that the standards should be viewed as principles which (mostly) have some biblical basis, but the great majority of how one chooses to live/dress/entertain themselves is largely up to the individual and should be guided by the Holy Ghost and the Word of God, not the personal convictions of a preacher or local church. I'd also throw in that I'm not a big fan of shockamoo. I don't mind a lively song service, but I severely put out by some of the absolute chaos that goes on in the name of "worship". If you want to "dance like David danced" do so in the Spirit. If you think that worship has to be expressed by some physcial manifestation, and that if you don't "do something" then the church will think you're not saved, so you do it, then just sit down. (whoops sorry, went from a statement to a soapbox)

SO, considering these 3 things, someone is probably saying, "Why would you even think about going back?"

Here's why:
For the last couple of years I've been attending a Bible church. Before I settled on it, I attended a few churches in my area (about 4 or 5), plus spoke to a couple of local pastors whose churches I did not visit. Many/most of the churches in my area are "charismatic" churches which are trinitarian, and very much into the Word-Faith prosperity message (Kenneth Copelands church is only about 25 minutes from my house). The churches that are NOT word-Faith, are typical denominal churches-Souther Baptist, Fundamental Baptist, Freewill Baptist (I'm in Texas, the list of Baptists could go on forever), Methodist, Church of Christ, Luteran, Catholic, Assemblies of God. I'm not really interested in going into one of those demoninations, mainly because I still affirm the oneness of God, and prefer water baptism in Jesus name (especially if I am doing the baptizing), though I don't see these as salvation issues, I still believe they are Biblically consistent.

Alot of churches are also into the seeker sensative model, and I prefer a more Biblically centered and conservative church, so I settled on the Bible church. I have enjoyed my time there, and made some good friendships. Talked alot of theology with some members, and become friends with some folks who were missionaries to Israel and Greece, highly involved in Bible translation work at World Bible Translation Center, and in orphanages in India. We were able to provide free groceries to over 500 local people aroudn Christmas time. There has been alot of good that has been done, and I've enjoyed alot of my time in the Bible church, and the relationships I've made. They've treated me well, I am used often to teach and preach (though they know I do not believe in the trinity) and have even been allowed to baptize in the name of Jesus.

BUT the church is small, and my 2 girls are the only children in the church. The atmosphere in a Bible church is completely different to that of a pentecostal church. NO ONE claps, says amen, or really gets involved in the service. I'm not saying that those behaviors are necessary or unnecessary, but I'm saying, I don't even feel the liberty to clap my hands during a song if I so choose (I'm a hand clapper, I'm not much for shockamoo). The services are quiet and revolve around Bible teaching. I'm not saying thats wrong, I'm just saying that in my view I think there should be a mixture between expository teaching and evangelical preaching. So pehaps because of this we haven't grown very much in nearly 2 years, and I don't really see how we are going to grow under the current model.

So here's why I'd consider going back to the UPC:
First, friends. We still have a ton of friends in the UPC, and many of them are wonderful people. I've read horror stories about how people were treated in the UPC and upon exiting the UPC. But we weren't treated badly while in the UPC (though we were taught poorly, in my opinion), and when we left some people were scared to fellowship with us because they thought we had backslid, but mostly people remainded friendly or simply didn't talk to us at all. It hurt at first, but we knew they weren't doing it out of spite, and time healed most of those relationships. The only people who were really aggressive against me were preachers. Some in "real life" and many on the internet, especially Apsotolic Preachers Forum. Those guys were/are vicious. But I'm never been one to hold a grudge, I forgive and move on. I can forgive those men, in fact I did long ago, but I won't back down or be intimitated by them. However, neither will I make the mistake of thinking ALL OP preacheres are like that. Which is a reason I'd consider a moderate UPC (not a hardline UC).

Second, doctrine. Despite believing in justification by faith (sometime called a one-stepper on AFF), I still believe in the oneness of God, and water baptism in Jesus name. I still basically believe in standards, but more so as general principles, such as a woman ought to have long hair (but not necesarrily uncut-nor is it a salvational matter), that women/men ought to dress modest, and that Christians ought to live life soberly and have moderation in all things. I do not in anyway believe that standards are binding or salvational, and I believe that as they are taught in some (many) UPC/OP churches they are outright legalistic. I reject the initial evidence doctrine, but I'm still open to speaking in tongues, though my position is that if it is done publically in the church there should be an interpreter (yes I know this could be a problem).

Third, worship. In simple term, I miss some of the worship of yesteryear. I do not mean shockamoo. I could care less to ever be in a service where everyone is running around all over the place again. But I do miss worship service where the presence of God seems to cover the whole place. Wosrhip in the Bible church is ok. The songs are ok, some of the old hymns are sung (I like old hymns) but it is very mechanical. We do the songs and we sit down. I'm not going to say I don't feel God's presence, but the song service is so scripted and so quick, it rarely lasts more than 10 minutes. Alot of the people who attend the church are used to that, but for me its been an adjustment. I can rejoice and sing with them, but I definitely prefer the more lively worship that I (sometimes) experienced in the UPC and Rock church (ex upc I attended for a while).

Fourth, the people. This is different from no.1, because this is the people in genral. I realize there are those who are hypocrites, who pretend to live by the satandards and do not. Thats in all denominations. I realize there are people who live under legalism and do not understand grace, and I'm saddened that they have been victims of bad teaching. But I think genreally speaking it is true that many UPC lay people are simply Christian people whose main concern in life is to glorify God. They love God, love to talk about God and the Bible, love to pray, and just simply want to live for God here and look forward to the day we can rejoice in heaven together. I like being around people like that. Its not that people outside of the UPC are not that way, as I said, I've met some good people, and made good friendships with people who love God, but its been my experience that alot of mainstream christians don't really make God the center of their life. They go to church, but don't really talk about the Lord much outside of church, are not really concerned with if they read the Bible or not, but are usually defined as "carnal christians" and given a pass. I'm not saying I'm looking for a cookie cutter church where everyone is just the same, I just prefer fellowship with people who are likeminded and have the same interests, and I don't always feel that way around some of the people I've come to know in "mainstream' christianity, at least on a fellowship level. I still get along with pretty much everyone I meet, but I don't rarely feel that same connection that I had (and still have) when I am around OP believers.

So those are some of my reasons I'm considering giving it a second chance. I figured I'd lay it out because I expect to take some heat, here, and especially on Facebook. But I say bring it on. Tell me why you think I'm crazy, or if you can identify with me. If you left the UPC how long did it take you to adjust and really feel comfortable somewhere else? Maybe I just need to visit a UPC a time or two for that door to completely close, and that part of my life to be complete, or maybe I really do have more in common with OP believers than trinitarian believers. Either way, I believe there are saved believers in most Christian denominations, I'm simply trying to find the place that I line up with the closest. Because of my views on the godhead, I'd prefer not to stay in a trinitarian church too much longer, so that makes switiching to another trinitarian church a long shot. I'll either live with my differences and stick it out in the Bible church, or live with my differences and stick it out in a UPC church. Wherever I go I'm going to have some differences, so I'll just have to be honest about it, and live with it.

What say ye?
Did you go back? How are you living with the differences wherever you have decided to go?
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. ~Tolkien

Last edited by Amanah; 10-29-2024 at 09:47 PM.
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Old 10-29-2024, 11:26 PM
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Re: Bombshell- Considering going back to the UPC

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
Did you go back? How are you living with the differences wherever you have decided to go?
I don’t think he went back.
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Old 10-30-2024, 10:31 PM
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Re: Bombshell- Considering going back to the UPC

Originally Posted by diakonos View Post
I don’t think he went back.
No indeed I did not. I can't remember when I wrote this, I did visit a UPC for a few services, but it just wasn't for me. My differences are with both doctrine and practice. I have been going to a Reformed Bible Church for the last 8 years and feel like I have matured in my faith in many ways, and at the same time work and life has left me less time to study/read as much as I used to. But I don't feel resentment or anger towards OPs. I did visit, and just couldn't stay.
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Old 11-03-2024, 07:01 AM
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Re: Bombshell- Considering going back to the UPC

Originally Posted by Servetus View Post
No indeed I did not. I can't remember when I wrote this, I did visit a UPC for a few services, but it just wasn't for me. My differences are with both doctrine and practice. I have been going to a Reformed Bible Church for the last 8 years and feel like I have matured in my faith in many ways, and at the same time work and life has left me less time to study/read as much as I used to. But I don't feel resentment or anger towards OPs. I did visit, and just couldn't stay.
Jason, why are you here? Not asking to start a fight. But, I always found it odd that once someone has changed their views on One God Jesus Name Pentecostalism they still seek to engage with those they left behind. So, what’s the attraction to seek discourse with those you view as in error.
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Old 11-09-2024, 08:06 AM
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Re: Bombshell- Considering going back to the UPC

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Jason, why are you here? Not asking to start a fight. But, I always found it odd that once someone has changed their views on One God Jesus Name Pentecostalism they still seek to engage with those they left behind. So, what’s the attraction to seek discourse with those you view as in error.
Morbid curiosity ��
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Old 11-10-2024, 05:32 PM
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Re: Bombshell- Considering going back to the UPC

Originally Posted by seguidordejesus View Post
Morbid curiosity ��
Must be.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 11-13-2024, 08:22 PM
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Re: Bombshell- Considering going back to the UPC

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Jason, why are you here? Not asking to start a fight. But, I always found it odd that once someone has changed their views on One God Jesus Name Pentecostalism they still seek to engage with those they left behind. So, what’s the attraction to seek discourse with those you view as in error.

Fair question. I think just the fact I hadn't been here, was reminded about AFF thru a FB message, wanted to see how long I'd been posting with someone and if I could still sign in (,or if the site was even still up for that manner). Additionally, I did have several good interactions with people here and would count them "friends" (this would include you too), and I think it's natural to be curious about those whose paths we've crossed and hope to hear that they are doing well.
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