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Old 03-23-2022, 05:01 PM
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Re: Meal prepping for the week

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
I think Sister Amanah is joshing around
I hope so. Canola is about the worst oil you could cook with, second only to straight 30 weight in the yellow no name containers at the local CircleK.
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Old 03-23-2022, 05:04 PM
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Re: Meal prepping for the week

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
I hope so. Canola is about the worst oil you could cook with, second only to straight 30 weight in the yellow no name containers at the local CircleK.
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Old 03-23-2022, 06:01 PM
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Re: Meal prepping for the week

Originally Posted by good samaritan View Post
What is healthiest cooking oil? Needs to be oil because I am making homemade mayonnaise. Lard or bacon grease won’t work. Any ideas. Olive oil is kind of strong.

Have you tried Avocado oil? I prefer it to olive oil for making mayo.
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Old 03-23-2022, 10:20 PM
shag shag is offline

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Re: Meal prepping for the week

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Varmints come out at night. Hawks patrol during the day, and there is way too much cover in my backyard. My birds' coop is locked up solid and the cats start growling by the windows and making a racket if anything is afoot.
I go outside with lamp and rifle shoot the varmints and leave their bodies. The chickens eat what's left. Varmint blood and carcass does wonders to let their friends know they will die if they enter. I have one raccoon that comes around every once and awhile who is a friendly. He has never caused problems. Yet. He eats and leaves, doesn't disturb cages. Cats don't alert when he comes to visit. Hence he is still breathing, and thriving.

Ah yes, there is more to the story. You ordinally said...eggs

Egg whites causes biotin depletion. Which has all sorts of issues. There is a good reason why an egg is yolk and white, because when you consume it together you are safe. the yolk is an especially rich source of biotin 50 grams, therefore the egg must be eaten whole. Why is he eating just egg whites? Is he a body builder getting ready for the Olympia?

Esaias beat me to it, and the short list is what modern eaters are faced with. We are the products are a highly processed diet. Our food which we eat is NOTHING like our ancestors. The whole COVID thing was a laugh, because I had to deal with hundreds of individuals telling me how Mr. and Mrs. Foofoonick ate healthy, taking boxes of vitamin, and could lift cars first thing in the morning. If they were preachers, then I was able to view their preaching videos and see what they looked like. They looked horrible. Therefore some people judgement of health is super lacking in truth.

Allergies are caused by the highly processed diet, and the garbage we have been eating since the 1970s. But listen, don't take food advise from me or anyone else. You need to find another doctor who isn't into leeches and casting bones. One who knows his craft. How whole foods are our best medicine. Your son has a problem with peanut butter omelets? Keep him away from them, because I'll tell you now, his problems are more than just those two things.

Allergy is just the surface problem. You need to research food for yourself, and not hunting for answers from the most unhealthy people on the planet. Pentecostals.

I don’t have a clue where to consider trying to begin, unraveling the mystery. Perhaps you can assist me somehow to the type of “dr.” You’re referring to…not the mainstream

My family eats between 10 & 15 dozen eggs per week. Me and my bride, and 4 kids remaining under my roof, and one of those 4 I’m referring to has the issues when eating foods that have eggs. He really wants to eat eggs.
What then do you propose, if it was your 13 year old?
Scramble an egg and tell him to take a bite, and have the eppa pen ready to stick him and then take him to the hospital if his breathing shuts off? (Serious question)

He’s not training for the Olympia, but he does lift weights

We boil eggs all the time, I personally do not always eat the yolk.

I’m interested in serious assistance/direction with this, if possible.

If he eats any food w egg in it, like cake, he gets sick to his stomach.

He eats healthy. He gets excercise. He has had a few immunization shots, but not all.
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Last edited by shag; 03-23-2022 at 10:29 PM.
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Old 03-23-2022, 10:23 PM
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Re: Meal prepping for the week

Originally Posted by Sparrow View Post
Have you tried Avocado oil? I prefer it to olive oil for making mayo.

I haven’t but have tried grapeseed oil. It was good but didn’t really know how healthy it is.
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Old 03-23-2022, 10:48 PM
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Re: Meal prepping for the week

Originally Posted by shag View Post
He eats healthy. He gets excercise. He has had a few immunization shots, but not all.
I don't know what to tell to you. If I had a dollar for everytime I heard those words I be able to pay for your doctor. How about this, get a third, maybe even a forth opinion. From a doctor who believes that whole foods can heal. They're are out there. Eating eggs without combing the yolk isn't really a god idea. Esaias posted a good list on how allergies have gotten worse. I'm telling you that your son's issues are not just peanut butter omelets. What kind of immunization shot did he get?
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Old 03-24-2022, 12:53 AM
TGBTG TGBTG is offline
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Re: Meal prepping for the week

Esaias, is this the BBC report you are referring to ?


One theme that struck me in this report is this:

"It is thought that allergies and increased sensitivity to foods are probably environmental, and related to Western lifestyles. We know there are lower rates of allergies in developing countries. They are also more likely to occur in urban rather than rural areas. Factors may include pollution, dietary changes and less exposure to microbes, which change how our immune systems respond.

Migrants appear to show a higher prevalence of asthma and food allergy in their adopted country compared to their country of origin, further illustrating the importance of environmental factors."

The BBC report linked this study that was done on asthma and allergies (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4139367/)

The conclusion from that study was this:

"Our findings suggest a strong influence of the environment on the development of asthma and allergic diseases throughout the life course. The prevalence of asthma is generally higher in second generation than first generation immigrants. With length of residence in the host country the prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases increases steadily. These findings are consistent across study populations, host countries, and children as well as adults. Differences have been found to be significant when tested in a linear model, as well as when comparing between early and later age of migration, and between shorter and longer time of residence."

I thought that trend was interesting...anyway, back to meal prep ideas!!!
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Old 03-24-2022, 06:16 AM
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Re: Meal prepping for the week

Originally Posted by TGBTG View Post
Esaias, is this the BBC report you are referring to ?


One theme that struck me in this report is this:

"It is thought that allergies and increased sensitivity to foods are probably environmental, and related to Western lifestyles. We know there are lower rates of allergies in developing countries. They are also more likely to occur in urban rather than rural areas. Factors may include pollution, dietary changes and less exposure to microbes, which change how our immune systems respond.

Migrants appear to show a higher prevalence of asthma and food allergy in their adopted country compared to their country of origin, further illustrating the importance of environmental factors."

The BBC report linked this study that was done on asthma and allergies (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4139367/)

The conclusion from that study was this:

"Our findings suggest a strong influence of the environment on the development of asthma and allergic diseases throughout the life course. The prevalence of asthma is generally higher in second generation than first generation immigrants. With length of residence in the host country the prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases increases steadily. These findings are consistent across study populations, host countries, and children as well as adults. Differences have been found to be significant when tested in a linear model, as well as when comparing between early and later age of migration, and between shorter and longer time of residence."

I thought that trend was interesting...anyway, back to meal prep ideas!!!
Yes, I believe that is the one. The data looks like the modern industrial world is essentially toxic to human life.
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