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Old 01-15-2021, 05:43 PM
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Re: Antifa - Capitol Chaos

Crazy! Uber shoots commercial with John Sullivan.

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Old 01-15-2021, 06:20 PM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: Antifa - Capitol Chaos

Originally Posted by Ronnie G View Post
I have many--MANY friends, and a step-daughter (who is a nurse practitioner) that believes Biden will be frog-marched in handcuffs in a few days.

last night, I could see the genuine belief in her eyes. And I'll tell you something. It broke my heart.

Not because I think the hopeful outlook at the base of the majority of the "Q" is something pathologically dangerous (although a widespread consensus as such will produce the kind of people that showed up with zip ties to the capitol). But because their genuine hopes are getting ready to be dashed against some very cruel rocks.

The people trusting these prophets like Kat Kerr aren't all comprised people who normally glom on to clown shows. Every single person close to me that believes in this are all amazing, God-fearing people who love their families, and their country, and want the parameter's for freedom to be preserved.

My daughter is a medical professional. And yet her heart is simple. I'm not looking forward to the precipitous ache she's getting ready to experience. I'll be here for her.

I remember reading a quote from Shirley Temple" "I believed in Santa until he asked for my autograph."

Nuff said.

Exactly. Trump simply does not have proof that will stand up in court of foreign interference and the courts refuse to examine Constitutional violations by late-arriving ballots. Thus, we will keep our liberty only by force of arms. just like the Founders.

Last edited by Originalist; 01-15-2021 at 06:24 PM.
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Old 01-15-2021, 09:50 PM
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Re: Antifa - Capitol Chaos

Originally Posted by Ronnie G View Post
I have many--MANY friends, and a step-daughter (who is a nurse practitioner) that believes Biden will be frog-marched in handcuffs in a few days.

last night, I could see the genuine belief in her eyes. And I'll tell you something. It broke my heart.

Not because I think the hopeful outlook at the base of the majority of the "Q" is something pathologically dangerous (although a widespread consensus as such will produce the kind of people that showed up with zip ties to the capitol). But because their genuine hopes are getting ready to be dashed against some very cruel rocks.

The people trusting these prophets like Kat Kerr aren't all comprised people who normally glom on to clown shows. Every single person close to me that believes in this are all amazing, God-fearing people who love their families, and their country, and want the parameter's for freedom to be preserved.

My daughter is a medical professional. And yet her heart is simple. I'm not looking forward to the precipitous ache she's getting ready to experience. I'll be here for her.

I remember reading a quote from Shirley Temple" "I believed in Santa until he asked for my autograph."

Nuff said.
In just viewing some things today, I could see your point however I saw something else that broke my heart and caused me to be disturbed. I am upset because of the corruption and the blatant disregard for the Constitution. I am upset because America touts itself as a shining beacon to the world of how we are to live and conduct ourselves. I could let all those things slide and take the lumps and humiliation, but there is something else at okay.
The NWO and elite, Politicians and media superstars are involved in Pedophilia and child Abuse, up to and including child sacrifice.
It saddens my heart that this is going on, and it breaks Gods heart and makes him angry, as it should all of us.
Therefore I put to you, God is goin to do something, not because of Republicans, or Christians, or stupid lying media, no he is going to do it because of the kids.😢
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Old 01-15-2021, 11:27 PM
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Re: Antifa - Capitol Chaos

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
Exactly. Trump simply does not have proof that will stand up in court of foreign interference and the courts refuse to examine Constitutional violations by late-arriving ballots. Thus, we will keep our liberty only by force of arms. just like the Founders.
Trump has more than enough evidence. We just don't have any courts willing to pull back the curtain and expose the whole mess called "American governance" because it would lead to the end of them as well.

Trump is irrelevent.
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Old 01-16-2021, 06:02 PM
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Re: Antifa - Capitol Chaos

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Trump has more than enough evidence. We just don't have any courts willing to pull back the curtain and expose the whole mess called "American governance" because it would lead to the end of them as well.

Trump is irrelevant.
This is the reason why no one would touch what happened with a ten foot pole. The government is corrupt beyond belief. The only thing that has to happen is total removal of what is now in place. But no one will ever do that. Too many people convinced themselves that Trump was great, and that the democrat are evil. The Republicans stand for all that is good and decent. But in reality they are making deal with the other side, and getting rich doing it.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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