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Old 12-18-2020, 02:05 PM
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Re: Don't bet against Trump

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
The rest of us will put our lives on the line so you can continue to be petty.
You don't even know what you're on about.

Have fun storming the caaaaaastle!

How many swamp creatures did Trump intentionally surround himself with?

You've bought into the same hopeandchange lie the Obamabots bought into.

Operation Warp Speed? Hello? ATF going after pistol braces now? 80% lowers? Hello? Who appointed the head of the ATF again?

Oh but you say his hands are tied? Can't fire his own appointee? But somehow he's gonna pull off a victory against the entire deep state in a month?

Get your story straight. Is he incompetent and impotent? ("He gets so much push back...") Or is he in on it all? ("Trust the plan... two more weeks... 1024D chess...")

Our future security lies in God's hands. We need to be on HIS side, not some politician's. Put your life on the line?

You going to war? Better be prayed up and paid up. So far it's not looking like the MAGA crowd has God's blessing. Because they - like you - are strangely averse to hearing a message that says "Time to actually repent."
Visit the Apostolic House Church YouTube Channel!

Biblical Worship - free pdf http://www.pdf-archive.com/2016/02/21/biblicalworship4/

Conditional immortality proven - https://ia800502.us.archive.org/3/it...surrection.pdf

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Old 12-18-2020, 02:07 PM
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Re: Don't bet against Trump

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
Trump got quite a bit done in his first 4 years. To say otherwise is to be very dishonest.
Ok, so like Mike said, politicians should always preface their promises with "I will do such and such.....if Congress will do it! I will definitely do such and such....if the SCOTUS is ok with it!" Bro, the game is rigged, we are serfs, they are the lords and ladies of the Manor. They decide when and if they will allow us into the castle walls when the Mongols invade. Listen, the politicians' job is to sell us utopia whether it's Republican, Democrat, Socialist, or Communist. But there will be no peace among men unless it is brought on through the Holy Ghost. Unless men lay everything at the feet of Jesus Christ, and I do mean everything. The politics of this world will never do a thing for anyone but the leadership. They fill their pockets, and fight their wars with the blood of our children.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 12-18-2020, 02:14 PM
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Re: Don't bet against Trump

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
The rest of us will put our lives on the line so you can continue to be petty.
Oh, I am sorry I missed this. Help me out here. How are you putting your life on the line for me? Also how am I being petty?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 12-18-2020, 02:22 PM
Ehud Ehud is offline
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Re: Don't bet against Trump

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post

How many swamp creatures did Trump intentionally surround himself with?


Our future security lies in God's hands. We need to be on HIS side, not some politician's. Put your life on the line?

You going to war? Better be prayed up and paid up. So far it's not looking like the MAGA crowd has God's blessing. Because they - like you - are strangely averse to hearing a message that says "Time to actually repent."
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Old 12-18-2020, 02:25 PM
Ehud Ehud is offline
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Re: Don't bet against Trump

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Originalist, Mike is making a simple point.

Everyone says the same thing about their candidate. That they can’t get everything done in their first 4 years. So if the Donald met such opposition as you say, then why isn’t he going to deal with the same or more for his next term? I mean I’d love to agree with you on everything. But what you are saying doesn’t draw a promising conclusion.
Yeah, I'm not often on Team Michael, but he is spot on with this one.
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Old 12-18-2020, 05:15 PM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: Don't bet against Trump

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
You don't even know what you're on about.

Have fun storming the caaaaaastle!

How many swamp creatures did Trump intentionally surround himself with?

You've bought into the same hopeandchange lie the Obamabots bought into.

Operation Warp Speed? Hello? ATF going after pistol braces now? 80% lowers? Hello? Who appointed the head of the ATF again?

Oh but you say his hands are tied? Can't fire his own appointee? But somehow he's gonna pull off a victory against the entire deep state in a month?

Get your story straight. Is he incompetent and impotent? ("He gets so much push back...") Or is he in on it all? ("Trust the plan... two more weeks... 1024D chess...")

Our future security lies in God's hands. We need to be on HIS side, not some politician's. Put your life on the line?

You going to war? Better be prayed up and paid up. So far it's not looking like the MAGA crowd has God's blessing. Because they - like you - are strangely averse to hearing a message that says "Time to actually repent."
Why are the two mutually exclusive? Why is it I have to choose one or the other? Furthermore, on what basis do you make some an idiotic assumption that Trump supporters are averse to repentance? You actually sound MORE ridiculous than Scott Pitta now. Seriously, why do you even comment on political posts at all?
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Old 12-18-2020, 07:01 PM
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Re: Don't bet against Trump

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
Why are the two mutually exclusive? Why is it I have to choose one or the other? Furthermore, on what basis do you make some an idiotic assumption that Trump supporters are averse to repentance? You actually sound MORE ridiculous than Scott Pitta now. Seriously, why do you even comment on political posts at all?
Why are the two mutually exclusive? Why are "We don't need a solid Bible-based movement of faithful Christians" and "We need a solid Bible-based movement of faithful Christians" mutually exclusive? You have got to be kidding me, you cannot possibly be this dense?

On what basis do I make the conclusion that Trump supporters are averse to repentance?

1. Do you want me to post the hours and hours of videos of Stop The Steal protests to prove my point?

2. I've been pointing this out since Stop the Steal began, that I was rather appalled at the very definite lack of anything even attempting to resemble basic godliness or reverence for God, especially when preachers and Christians at the rallies are literally shut up by the massed crowd.

3. The "we're gonna fight for the Republic" is largely spearheaded by the Proud Boys. Need I post the video from the latest rally in DC where the Proud Boy leader called for everyone to be quiet for prayer, some woman didn't get the memo so the prayer leader shouted "Shut the $!!@#! up, we're gonna pray, get that f$$!#$$ b$:%%:! the $:/\#! out of here so we can ##!$:;!; pray"?

3. YOUR RESPONSES HAVE BEEN CONSISTENTLY PROVING MY POINT. When a Christian hears "We need to repent" they either respond with "Amen!" or AT LEAST with a "What specific areas need repentance? What specifically needs to be done? Let's be certain where we are because we MORE THAN ANYTHING need to be right with God ESPECIALLY at this time." But YOU? Ridicule, generally snide remarks, and a TOTAL DENIAL OF ANY NEED THAT YOUR POSSE TRUMPITATUS NEEDS ANY KIND OF BIBLICAL DIRECTION.

4. You CONSISTENTLY deny the Providential hand of the SOVEREIGN God in these matters. You incessantly claim (without ANY proof by the way) that God pretty much has nothing to do with who our leaders are or what's happening in our nation. Thus you logically see no need to get Him involved. You see no need to make CERTAIN Biblically that your efforts are indeed pleasing to Christ and in accordance with His will. Because you are essentially a Deist in that you think God dropped us off here and is on vacation, that God is not actually directing things in keeping with His Word. So no room for Jesus in your little movement, apparently.

5. You are literally claiming on an apostolic forum you are ready to fight, kill, and die in combat because your guy got shafted out of an election. Where was your outrage when an illegal foreigner and communist was installed in the White House for TWO terms? Where was your outrage when black box digital election fraud was exposed IN CONGRESS in SWORN TESTIMONY several election cycles ago? Where was your outrage every year that hundreds of thousands and MILLIONS of unborn babies were viciously MURDERED and BUTCHERED and VACUUM SUCKED OUT OF THE WOMB to be chopped up and sold on the black market with GOVERNMENT PROTECTION AND FUNDING?

You magatwerps can take your phony outrage and stuff it because you guys are some of the BIGGEST hypocrites I have ever seen.

Screaming for martial law in order to defend the Constitution? A so called Christian conservative Trumper I know was GRINNING today as he relayed the rumour that low level election fraud participants are being assassinated, car bombed, and snatched and interrogated black bag style by secret DOD operatives. All to "defend the constitution". An awful lot of you guys are so completely UN self aware JUST LIKE ANTIFA with their total mental disconnect and doublethink.

You guys have NO IDEA what's coming. Martial law? Civil war? You and the Stop The Steal crowd are MILQUETOAST compared to what's on the way. You guys are watered down tea party crumpets. Hard tea is on the menu, and it will steamroll right over you and your MAGA movement.

Birthpangs are coming, and are already beginning. There's a Crusade on the way. It will sweep your "left vs right" stupidity into the dustbin of history, along with your failed antichrist "constitutional republic" which was nothing more than a Masonic bankster trick and which got us in this mess to begin with. (Readers, see Note below)

You may very well see in your lifetime the real meaning of "Christ is KING". And I fully expect you will be in full opposition to it, ready to take up arms and kill and die to defend the rights and freedoms of satanists, sodomites, and peddlers of filth and perversion. And you'll do it while thanking Jesus you are bound for heaven.

I'm trying to help you out here but you're too caught up in the TV PROGRAMMING you can't hear anything.

Doesn't matter though because based on your interactions I don't think you actually read more than a snippet of whatever is posted. You certainly don't actually engage in real dialogue.

I'd recommend you stay in Florida. I don't think rural Texas will be to your liking.

Note to readers: the NATION was founded by Divine Providence as a CHRIST-HONOURING Nation. It was hijacked by the Federalists and a decidedly ANTICHRISTIAN "Constitution" was rammed through (illegally, I might add) specifically for the purpose of subverting the nation into a FEDERALIZED AND CENTRALIZED "REPUBLIC" designed to allow foreign antichrist banksters and agents of influence from Europe to convert America into the cesspool of degenerate filth it has currently become.

The NATION needs to be freed from the control of these godless heathens, but that will REQUIRE national repentance. Which means a people who take THE HOLY BIBLE as their charter, not some antichrist sham constitution that ALLOWS for all the mess we've currently got because it PROTECTS idolatry and rebellion against Christ as political virtues. And that repentance requires a church that will say it like it is and DISCIPLE THE NATION. Christ is KING, not Trump or Biden or any of these other satanic clowns.

Visit the Apostolic House Church YouTube Channel!

Biblical Worship - free pdf http://www.pdf-archive.com/2016/02/21/biblicalworship4/

Conditional immortality proven - https://ia800502.us.archive.org/3/it...surrection.pdf

Last edited by Esaias; 12-18-2020 at 07:15 PM.
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Old 12-18-2020, 07:38 PM
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Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Re: Don't bet against Trump

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Why are the two mutually exclusive? Why are "We don't need a solid Bible-based movement of faithful Christians" and "We need a solid Bible-based movement of faithful Christians" mutually exclusive? You have got to be kidding me, you cannot possibly be this dense?

On what basis do I make the conclusion that Trump supporters are averse to repentance?

1. Do you want me to post the hours and hours of videos of Stop The Steal protests to prove my point?

2. I've been pointing this out since Stop the Steal began, that I was rather appalled at the very definite lack of anything even attempting to resemble basic godliness or reverence for God, especially when preachers and Christians at the rallies are literally shut up by the massed crowd.

3. The "we're gonna fight for the Republic" is largely spearheaded by the Proud Boys. Need I post the video from the latest rally in DC where the Proud Boy leader called for everyone to be quiet for prayer, some woman didn't get the memo so the prayer leader shouted "Shut the $!!@#! up, we're gonna pray, get that f$$!#$$ b$:%%:! the $:/\#! out of here so we can ##!$:;!; pray"?

3. YOUR RESPONSES HAVE BEEN CONSISTENTLY PROVING MY POINT. When a Christian hears "We need to repent" they either respond with "Amen!" or AT LEAST with a "What specific areas need repentance? What specifically needs to be done? Let's be certain where we are because we MORE THAN ANYTHING need to be right with God ESPECIALLY at this time." But YOU? Ridicule, generally snide remarks, and a TOTAL DENIAL OF ANY NEED THAT YOUR POSSE TRUMPITATUS NEEDS ANY KIND OF BIBLICAL DIRECTION.

4. You CONSISTENTLY deny the Providential hand of the SOVEREIGN God in these matters. You incessantly claim (without ANY proof by the way) that God pretty much has nothing to do with who our leaders are or what's happening in our nation. Thus you logically see no need to get Him involved. You see no need to make CERTAIN Biblically that your efforts are indeed pleasing to Christ and in accordance with His will. Because you are essentially a Deist in that you think God dropped us off here and is on vacation, that God is not actually directing things in keeping with His Word. So no room for Jesus in your little movement, apparently.

5. You are literally claiming on an apostolic forum you are ready to fight, kill, and die in combat because your guy got shafted out of an election. Where was your outrage when an illegal foreigner and communist was installed in the White House for TWO terms? Where was your outrage when black box digital election fraud was exposed IN CONGRESS in SWORN TESTIMONY several election cycles ago? Where was your outrage every year that hundreds of thousands and MILLIONS of unborn babies were viciously MURDERED and BUTCHERED and VACUUM SUCKED OUT OF THE WOMB to be chopped up and sold on the black market with GOVERNMENT PROTECTION AND FUNDING?

You magatwerps can take your phony outrage and stuff it because you guys are some of the BIGGEST hypocrites I have ever seen.

Screaming for martial law in order to defend the Constitution? A so called Christian conservative Trumper I know was GRINNING today as he relayed the rumour that low level election fraud participants are being assassinated, car bombed, and snatched and interrogated black bag style by secret DOD operatives. All to "defend the constitution". An awful lot of you guys are so completely UN self aware JUST LIKE ANTIFA with their total mental disconnect and doublethink.

You guys have NO IDEA what's coming. Martial law? Civil war? You and the Stop The Steal crowd are MILQUETOAST compared to what's on the way. You guys are watered down tea party crumpets. Hard tea is on the menu, and it will steamroll right over you and your MAGA movement.

Birthpangs are coming, and are already beginning. There's a Crusade on the way. It will sweep your "left vs right" stupidity into the dustbin of history, along with your failed antichrist "constitutional republic" which was nothing more than a Masonic bankster trick and which got us in this mess to begin with. (Readers, see Note below)

You may very well see in your lifetime the real meaning of "Christ is KING". And I fully expect you will be in full opposition to it, ready to take up arms and kill and die to defend the rights and freedoms of satanists, sodomites, and peddlers of filth and perversion. And you'll do it while thanking Jesus you are bound for heaven.

I'm trying to help you out here but you're too caught up in the TV PROGRAMMING you can't hear anything.

Doesn't matter though because based on your interactions I don't think you actually read more than a snippet of whatever is posted. You certainly don't actually engage in real dialogue.

I'd recommend you stay in Florida. I don't think rural Texas will be to your liking.

Note to readers: the NATION was founded by Divine Providence as a CHRIST-HONOURING Nation. It was hijacked by the Federalists and a decidedly ANTICHRISTIAN "Constitution" was rammed through (illegally, I might add) specifically for the purpose of subverting the nation into a FEDERALIZED AND CENTRALIZED "REPUBLIC" designed to allow foreign antichrist banksters and agents of influence from Europe to convert America into the cesspool of degenerate filth it has currently become.

The NATION needs to be freed from the control of these godless heathens, but that will REQUIRE national repentance. Which means a people who take THE HOLY BIBLE as their charter, not some antichrist sham constitution that ALLOWS for all the mess we've currently got because it PROTECTS idolatry and rebellion against Christ as political virtues. And that repentance requires a church that will say it like it is and DISCIPLE THE NATION. Christ is KING, not Trump or Biden or any of these other satanic clowns.

Well, that pretty much said everything which needed to be said.

I don't believe I could add much to this work of art..

My brother, I tip my hat.

In Jesus name
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 12-18-2020, 09:28 PM
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Esaias Esaias is offline
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Re: Don't bet against Trump

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Well, that pretty much said everything which needed to be said.

I don't believe I could add much to this work of art..

My brother, I tip my hat.

In Jesus name

The idols are slowly being plagued. I'm starting to see a few here and there realising the things they trusted in afford no safety. At some point, Christ will be the only thing left they have to turn to. Painful process, but often necessary.
Visit the Apostolic House Church YouTube Channel!

Biblical Worship - free pdf http://www.pdf-archive.com/2016/02/21/biblicalworship4/

Conditional immortality proven - https://ia800502.us.archive.org/3/it...surrection.pdf

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