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Old 11-18-2020, 11:24 PM
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Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Re: Crazy Stuff Happening In Canada.

Originally Posted by Ron View Post
I have been busy the last little bit so am just now getting around to responding to you. I have talked to you a few times, been quite a few years ago now, so you know I am real, and you are a real person as well. I don't recall a time where I caused you to think of me as being less than truthful on these forums, nor you as well. I take what you say as truthful unless given a reason to believe otherwise. I have met the people I said I have met. I have been privy to see documents and other things that leads me to believe that what I have told you is true. Now, if you believe I am misleading you or lying, then I am sorry, but I can't change that, it is something you have to deal with. I was about 15 years ago just like you, very sceptical. I then spent years and hours of my own time reading, researching, and I can supposed to convince you of this in one or two posts? Thank God this isn't a salvational issue. Therefore, I will not beat you to the ground with it, I put forth a few crumbs, from mine own experience, and if you are interested, fine, if not that is fine as well. I will say this Brother from the San Francisco area and others as not selling any books, hosting seminars, or doing anything to cause you hem to lie or mislead people. I hope all is well with you and your family and and may God keep you and yours!
Ron, what happened?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 11-18-2020, 11:27 PM
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Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Re: Crazy Stuff Happening In Canada.

Ron, did I ever tell you about the time Brother Blume was going to send me poutine in an envelope? He took a picture of it. I've been emotionally scarred ever since.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 11-24-2020, 05:48 PM
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Re: Crazy Stuff Happening In Canada.

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Ron, did I ever tell you about the time Brother Blume was going to send me poutine in an envelope? He took a picture of it. I've been emotionally scarred ever since.
I've never eaten Poutine, just looking at it makes my arteries congeal!
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Old 11-24-2020, 05:49 PM
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Re: Crazy Stuff Happening In Canada.

It's good that Canadians are starting to ask questions.
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