I Go Away For A Few Years And....
...the world falls apart. Who left the door open on that said, Warning! Biohazardous Materials??? The Zombie Apocalypse has started and it has infected most of humanity!!!
One sure sign you have this virus is you act like an idiot!!! I and my wife don't normally buy groceries for 6 months, or a year, or maybe a lifetime. We hope grocery shopping two or three times a week for fresh stuff. Imagine our surprise when arriving at the store everyone is wearing a mask like they are playing hospital. If you ask me they look like they escaped from the looney ward!
The shelves are empty....everywhere. Canned goods soups, noodles, party hats???
It wasn't this bad at the height of the cold war when you thought a Russian Nuke would arrive and ruin your day!!!
And Toilet Paper???? Why Toilet Paper??? Why not coffee, meat, vegetables???
I was talking to someone and he said the reason it is like that is because when a person with Coronavirus coughs or sneezes, 100 people spoil themselves. I don't know.
So because of my heart condition and due to the fact, I am laid off, my daughter is laid off, the schools are closed, and my wife had been laid off. We are under house arrest, or, I mean self isolation. My doctors and specialists said I should self isolate, I told him my home had plenty of insulation. He said he would look into a hearing test for me.
Self isolation with the family, you mean like spend time together and talk??🤣
I decided I would try making a video to put on you tube, maybe become a multi millionaire or billionaire. I video my son with narration that looks like this. Here is the elusive young Sasquatch raising in serachnof its food. The smell accompanying the Sasquatch is skin to skunk cabbage. My son said if that goes on you tube there would be law suits, restraining orders. Boy some people are too sensitive.🤢
So, this June Lord Willing it will be I and my wife's 150, Eric 25th anniversary. What will we do? Lers go on a cruise!!! Nope! Let's hope the States!!! Nope! Let's stay here and go outside! Nope!🙄
Sooo, what are you up too?🤔