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03-20-2020, 10:42 AM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban
Originally Posted by Birddog
What gets me Bro is that many of these profess that they believe we are living in the end of the end of the end.
These are some of the same men that adamantly professed their undying devotion, like Peter did, Lord, we will die for you.
Yet we see them rolling over and canceling church congregating for a facebook livestream.
So much for the boasts that they would never shut the doors of their churches without a fight...
What happened?
When did it happen?
How did it happen?
When did it start?
Had one man tell a friend that if they can do livestream for this then don't expect him to come back to church when it's over. He will stay home in his boxers and worship God over the screen!!!
Remember when they crucified the televangeslists over this and now....?
This is not going to end well for them.
This is spot on... I cant tell you how many times I have heard similar preaching then as soon as the CDC comes along with these recommendations it's just roll over and give up. Didnt even take men with guns invading the church building. Gutless cowards!!!

03-20-2020, 10:47 AM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban
Originally Posted by JoeBandy
Gutless cowards!!!
There are good men I know personally who have agonized over this. They don't deserve the smear you just attributed to them, nor the smears from others on the forum.
I'll wait for Esaias to say your post was uncalled for... /s

03-20-2020, 10:48 AM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban
Originally Posted by Raven
If this was truly about religious freedom I would be firmly in Tony Spell's camp. But it's not! His underlying premise is the First Amendment's right to peaceful assembly. This order affects everyone from Nascar to Notre Dame without regard to race, religion, or sexual orientation. As to his affiliation with the WPF ??? The church founded by the chief person behind the WPF's formation is strictly online with no public services at the present.
You can't, falsely, yell "Fire!" in a theater and if your building has a seating capacity of 500 and you have 600 in attendance, the Fire Marshal can shut you down. Are we going to make a "Hero of Faith" out of someone who defies the Fire Marshal?
Someone once said, "Choose your battles wisely", and now it may be that Tony Spell will look back and wish that he had waited for a more opportune time or deferred to someone with more experience. [ Just an old man's observation. ]
Common sense and facts aren't welcomed here.
The Chinese Virus has turned AFF in CNN and MSNBC where we post panic, fear and fake news.

03-20-2020, 10:52 AM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban
I do believe there is a virus... I do not believe it's as contagious and deadly as it's made out to be. The numbers dont add up. I think the US media and other are using this to push an agenda. Let's look at a couple facts. Divide the deaths worldwide by the total human population. Look at India. The media only mentiones China and Italy. How do we know for a fact that the couple hundred deaths were strictly because of corona??? Why is the initial symptoms the same as the annual hay fever season?? Why did the keep downsizing the size of gatherings?? This is America and yall are willingly giving up freedoms to avoid a virus that has been blown completely out of proportion. I may get Corona and die. My 72 year old mother may get it and die. I will not hunker down and live in fear. I dare anyone to post on social media. The memes relating to the second amendment.. they just whipped your butt without a single firearm. So much. For. "come and get it"....

03-20-2020, 10:55 AM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban
Originally Posted by n david
There are good men I know personally who have agonized over this. They don't deserve the smear you just attributed to them, nor the smears from others on the forum.
I'll wait for Esaias to say your post was uncalled for... /s
Smear or not. It's the truth. Theses same people who you say agonized are the same ones who were.....well nevermind you must have never been in a UPC church.

03-20-2020, 11:01 AM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban
This is what I am saying. I cant tell you how many times I have heard from many many preachers,evangalist etc etc.use "what you gonna do when the men with guns show up" and similar phrases to get the crowd all pumped up. Well. It didnt even take a gun
.. it took a virus that less than 5% of the worlds population will get. And out of that 5% there is a 97 to 98 % survival rate!

03-20-2020, 11:02 AM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban
Originally Posted by n david
Common sense and facts aren't welcomed here.
The Chinese Virus has turned AFF in CNN and MSNBC where we post panic, fear and fake news.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

03-20-2020, 11:13 AM
Believe, Obey, Declare
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban
This is either the will of God and if it is there is nothing you can do about it and God is in absolute complete control OR its not the will of God and He either cant or wont do anything.
Wheres your faith?
If He cant keep what has been committed into His hands...well...we have problems.
If He can indeed do as He has said, I dont see what all the fuss is about.
If folks drop out someone else will stand in the gap same as they always have.
If you're all fired up about your faith being under attack, are you reaching out to maybe first responders and or fire and asking to ride along as a "chaplain" of sorts that way you can have access to the sick and pray?
How about opening a "drive through" for prayer in the church parking lot?
Lotta scared folks out there and Im sure they would appreciate it and it wouldnt violate any ordinances on groups.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.

03-20-2020, 11:20 AM
Believe, Obey, Declare
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Location: Tupelo Ms.
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban
Originally Posted by JoeBandy
This is what I am saying. I cant tell you how many times I have heard from many many preachers,evangalist etc etc.use "what you gonna do when the men with guns show up" and similar phrases to get the crowd all pumped up. Well. It didnt even take a gun
.. it took a virus that less than 5% of the worlds population will get. And out of that 5% there is a 97 to 98 % survival rate!
In the States the framework for our demise was built by current and previous generations allowing more and more of their rights to be whittled away in the name of law and order and safety.
That same good ole boy cop busting folks for that plant we all hate that made us soooo safe well, thats the guy thatll bust anyone else for anything the government tells him to.
We have been willingly sharpening our own sword of destruction because we never thought it'd be wielded against us.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.

03-20-2020, 11:30 AM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban
Originally Posted by jediwill83
How about opening a "drive through" for prayer in the church parking lot?
Lotta scared folks out there and Im sure they would appreciate it and it wouldnt violate any ordinances on groups.
That is an awesome idea!
I agree that God is in control. Nothing is happening without Him allowing it to happen. There's a reason. There's a purpose. We may not know what it is or see it yet, but my faith, confidence and trust is in God.
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