Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
This thread was started in 2009 by a woman who claims that Jesus personally shows up at her house. She started it to announce that the UPCI was "dying?"
Well next week will be 2020 and the UPCI is still here. Time proves all things.
Bro. Beni, in my limited understanding of this there are three distinctions when it comes to a word of prophesy… a general word, a wishful thinking word, and a true word...
The deal with general ‘prophecies’ is that they are just that… general in nature. For instance, if I tell you it’s going to snow in January in my home state it’s a general/obvious word of truth… it is bound to snow at least one day in Michigan in January.
Then we have the wishful thinking word. It’s subjective at best. For example, the author of this thread had/has an ax to grind. Many who have left the Mother Ship retain their love for it… they may not agree on every point, but there is never a tearing down or desire to see it fail. But others don’t feel the same, so their word is merely wishful thinking.
And then there is the true word. If I say it’s going to snow January 1st at 11:03 a.m. in Flint, Michigan, and it does, then yeah… I have some inside info here, and you can take stock in my word.
So the bottom line for me, the true sign of a prophet/prophetess is if the prophesy comes to pass. Everything else is just fluff and stuff, but has no beneficial or lasting substance. Indeed, time proves all things.
And now you see why I don’t post much… I get too preachy.