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Old 03-01-2020, 06:22 PM
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Re: Your thoughts on the Tallit prayer shawl.

Originally Posted by TJJJ View Post
So I was in a service recently where a guy started blowing a shofar. ...

I reached over and whispered to my wife, here it comes....

Sounded like a sick calf....

I did have to hold in the chuckles....
It’s a spiritual inferiority complex brought on by bad eschatology.
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Old 03-01-2020, 06:39 PM
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Re: Your thoughts on the Tallit prayer shawl.

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
Oh, I have one too...my son in the Lord likes to blow it sometmes!
Must be quite a show.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 03-01-2020, 07:32 PM
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Re: Your thoughts on the Tallit prayer shawl.

Actually he knows about all there is to know...long sounds, short sounds and this and that... he also plays the trumpet so that may help...I really don't know.
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Old 03-01-2020, 08:23 PM
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Re: Your thoughts on the Tallit prayer shawl.

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post

Oh look! Moses has a Boom Stick!
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Old 03-01-2020, 08:50 PM
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Re: Your thoughts on the Tallit prayer shawl.

Originally Posted by Tithesmeister View Post
It seems to me that it is a continuation of a trend, that has been prevalent for many years. It is considered anti Semitic to say that Jews are no more holy than say Irish Protestants.

As Gentile Christians we are led to believe we are second class citizens in the kingdom of God. We are the step children. The Jews have the favorite son status. So, we try to act like Jews. We are wannabe Jews.

So? We should wear the covering? Blow the shofar? I love the Jews. And if you want to blow the shofar in worship to Jesus, be my guest.

But the irony isn’t lost on me either. Blowing the shofar in order for be more Jewish is ironic indeed. Trying to be more Jewish? When they rejected Him? And continue to do so?

The Jews need evangelizing, just like other nonbelievers! A question:

When Jesus said that “the only way to the Father is by me”. Who was he talking to? Think about it.

The Jews.

Bout a month ago I got an Uber request at a local chain drugstore along with the text that a young woman there needed a ride to a shelter. It was about 3am and I roll up and this young broadshouldered woman gets in my vehicle and off we go to the Salvation Army.

During the ride I find out that shes a student from Oklahoma and she is a lapsed Orthodox Jew who has found herself in an abusive relationship.

So we pull up at the shelter and I tell her that even though this is a dark time in her life to hold on because just as soon as trouble appears it can disappear just as fast.

I get out with her because the hood aint the safest only to be turned away by the doorman because there was no room.

She was in panic and shock...girl here from elseware with NO ONE with freezing temps.

She quietly but bravely said under her breath that itd be ok that shed figure something out and made to leave my vehicle and I told her no that I would be working all night into the morning and it was only my mother, wife and daughter home and since I would not be present she should feel safe accepting the offer.

I told her that "Im a father...and Im doing nothing for you that I wouldnt done for my daughter." So shes crying in relief and I call Kat and let her know we bout to have company and she doesnt hesitate to agree...she knows what its like living on the streets with nothing...

We pull in and Katherine meets her in the yard and without a word hugs this total stranger as she just loses it crying and us not even caring...just letting her get it out.

I back out the drive and go hunt down more drunks and Ubers Of Shame to ferry safely home or elseware.... :-/

I get back mid morning and bring home breakfast so we can get started figuring how to help further.

We helped her contact the local Rabbi who travels from a central Louisiana location to North East Louisiana...and thats when it happened...

I listened to her began to shamefully admit to this Rabbi that she hadnt kept Kosher and was unclean and corrupted by being inna relationship with the Goyim...when she said that she was unclean there was a leap in my spirit and honestly I could have very easily given voice to an utterence that was not of my own.

That voice said,"I DIED TO MAKE YOU CLEAN!" It wasnt just the voice but I felt such a grieving...I had to quickly spin and clamp my eyes shut from tears and make an excuse to leave the room.

Later on she was asking about Jesus and this time....I just let let it flow in that living room from Isaiah...."Unto us a child is born...Unto us a Son is given...and the governments shall be upon His shoulders and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father!."

Yall she got it!

Her eyes lit up with recognition and she said "YOU BELIEVE JESUS IS THE MESSIAH!"

Yes! Jesus died for the Jews! They are His lost sheep!
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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Old 03-02-2020, 05:46 AM
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Re: Your thoughts on the Tallit prayer shawl.

I guess if you are cold a prayer shawl would help keep you warm, It must be a fashion statement, because we did not need them for years.
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Old 03-02-2020, 07:56 AM
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Re: Your thoughts on the Tallit prayer shawl.

Originally Posted by loran adkins View Post
I guess if you are cold a prayer shawl would help keep you warm, It must be a fashion statement, because we did not need them for years.
If you need to tow a car you can use it for a tow rope.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 03-02-2020, 07:57 AM
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Re: Your thoughts on the Tallit prayer shawl.

You can also use the shofar for an oil funnel.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 03-02-2020, 11:22 PM
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Re: Your thoughts on the Tallit prayer shawl.

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
Bout a month ago I got an Uber request at a local chain drugstore along with the text that a young woman there needed a ride to a shelter. It was about 3am and I roll up and this young broadshouldered woman gets in my vehicle and off we go to the Salvation Army.

During the ride I find out that shes a student from Oklahoma and she is a lapsed Orthodox Jew who has found herself in an abusive relationship.

So we pull up at the shelter and I tell her that even though this is a dark time in her life to hold on because just as soon as trouble appears it can disappear just as fast.

I get out with her because the hood aint the safest only to be turned away by the doorman because there was no room.

She was in panic and shock...girl here from elseware with NO ONE with freezing temps.

She quietly but bravely said under her breath that itd be ok that shed figure something out and made to leave my vehicle and I told her no that I would be working all night into the morning and it was only my mother, wife and daughter home and since I would not be present she should feel safe accepting the offer.

I told her that "Im a father...and Im doing nothing for you that I wouldnt done for my daughter." So shes crying in relief and I call Kat and let her know we bout to have company and she doesnt hesitate to agree...she knows what its like living on the streets with nothing...

We pull in and Katherine meets her in the yard and without a word hugs this total stranger as she just loses it crying and us not even caring...just letting her get it out.

I back out the drive and go hunt down more drunks and Ubers Of Shame to ferry safely home or elseware.... :-/

I get back mid morning and bring home breakfast so we can get started figuring how to help further.

We helped her contact the local Rabbi who travels from a central Louisiana location to North East Louisiana...and thats when it happened...

I listened to her began to shamefully admit to this Rabbi that she hadnt kept Kosher and was unclean and corrupted by being inna relationship with the Goyim...when she said that she was unclean there was a leap in my spirit and honestly I could have very easily given voice to an utterence that was not of my own.

That voice said,"I DIED TO MAKE YOU CLEAN!" It wasnt just the voice but I felt such a grieving...I had to quickly spin and clamp my eyes shut from tears and make an excuse to leave the room.

Later on she was asking about Jesus and this time....I just let let it flow in that living room from Isaiah...."Unto us a child is born...Unto us a Son is given...and the governments shall be upon His shoulders and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father!."

Yall she got it!

Her eyes lit up with recognition and she said "YOU BELIEVE JESUS IS THE MESSIAH!"

Yes! Jesus died for the Jews! They are His lost sheep!
This is an awesome testimony Jedi! Praying that the Lord continues to do a great work in her life!
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