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Old 10-09-2019, 02:46 PM
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Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Bro. Blume answers a YouTubes Video

Sidney Breath of Life Church Mike Blume

1 day ago

A big error you're making is in thinking the church and Israel are two separate works of God today. Eph 2 teaches that Israel was always close to God and the cross tore down the partition of law and allowed Gentiles in now. And they became part of Israel. The church started in Exodus as the congregation or assembly of Israel. That same church came into the new covenant and opened up for Gentiles, with many Jews rejecting it, but were broken off their Olive tree by unbelief. . Gentiles became fellow citizens of the Commonwealth of Israel, after having been aliens.

Also, I believe all blessings are as literal as the cursings, and I'm not a dispensationalist at all. Partial preterism, which I adhere to, says the church opened up to Gentiles and the new covenant is the same one referred to in Jer. 31:31. There are not two new covenants. The land issue in prophecy is literally fine! It does not require disp to be literal. But it goes together with Eph 2's words that the church is Jew and Gentile in one body, formerly without Gentiles before the cross, and having started in Exodus.

Disp error is manifold. The Acts 15 issue of Amos and the Tabernacle of David is not distinguishing agreement from fulfillment. Agreement means fulfillment, seeing as a fulfillment obviously must agree with the prophecy. The apostles never preached a future kingdom of Israel, which does not detract from land promises.

Also the acts 1 issue you made for a restored kingdom of Israel.... Jesus already said before that that he had many things to say but he withheld them until they'd receive the Spirit. Acts 1 was before the Spirit came. When it came, there was never a word about a future kingdom of Israel again. Never. Israel getting saved nationally is simply through a revival where they no longer disbelieve. Romans 11 says that. No rapture is said to occur before that either, as disp assumes.

And Christ's words did not affirm their assumption. If Jesus spoke forty days about the kingdom, why did he not mention, one time, the future kingdom of Israel, which is why the question was asked by the disciples?

Roman 9 says all Israel is not Israel in God's mind. Paul knew people felt the promises looked unfulfilled because so many Jews were unsaved. That would have been a great time to tell them a Millennium will come when they'll be fulfilled as disp claims. But the answer was rather that not all Israel, whom people think is Israel, actually is Israel in God's eyes. It is the Israel described in Eph 2, as I explained. The children of promise are counted in God's eyes, as Gal 4 then says that includes saved Gentiles, and unsaved Jews were more like Ishmael with saved Gentiles like Isaac!

Also, i never believed as a non-dispensationalist, that the new testament was a priority testament, or that the apostles corrected any understanding the old testament writers believed.

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence


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