Originally Posted by n david
Her comment about unforgiveness being the gateway to mental health issues is an interesting take, one in which I can agree. I know personally how unforgiveness can affect a person. It can develop into bitterness and really eat away at a person.
As for anti-depressants being a form of sorcery and witchcraft -- what about other medications? Are all medications a form of sorcery and witchcraft? Tylenol? Blood pressure meds? Beta blockers? Other health or disease managing medications?
Ran into people like that...had a big book listing the roots of illness and disease...all some nebulous explanation which never gives anyone the ability to get out of where they are supposedly stuck by applying the reasoning that if they are experiencing the symptoms then it must be "this or that".
Jesus wept...was he struggling with unforgivness as well? What about Jeremiah the "weeping prophet" We'd look at that and call that depression from an outside view.
There is a difference in types of depression.
Some depression is just being emotionally wore out and drained...or are we not allowed to be honest about what is going on inside without being seen as sinful reprobates?
Put enough pressure on people and they will break...she just hasnt had the screws tightened tight enough.
If she had she wouldnt be making blanket statements trolling after people looking for "the next big thing".
Im not into comparing my life with others in a way where I look down on people if they struggle differently than I do and if they dont do it my way they are wrong.