Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
[B]To you who believe Jesus came, resurrected the dead, translated the Church and established the New Heavens and the New Earth in 70ad it cannot be explained.
translated the church in 70 A.D.? No, I don't believe that, but I told you this, a few times already. But since you are an ecclesiastical religious punk, one needs to tell you again.
God doesn't tell a pastor to preach against a beard, but Jesus told you to wear sack cloth and witness to people?
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
But to those who think Jesus words are relevant to us alive today the rise of Sodom is a sign.
Luke 17:26-30 Jesus is referring to two catastrophic EVENTS! The events are what Jesu is referring to when He is addressing His audience.
"Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they were Lesbians, men were with men, the men dressed like women, the were those who were no genders, they had parades flaunting their perversions , the men married men, and the president condone their actions" Mike, when you read the verses this is what you see. Like when you read
Revelation 12:12, you see Satan landing his X wing fighter on the White House lawn. But that is not what the verse is trying to say, and the Bible is one book we shouldn't just make things up. Again,
Luke 17:26-30 has Jesus telling Judeans about two catastrophic events in their history. The people in these two stories where awaiting their judgement, but didn't have the foggiest idea about the urgency to repent.
Matthew 12:41 Jesus brings up Nineveh, and how that the men of Nineveh would stand up in the judgement and judge the audience which Jesus was addressing. Because one, they were part of the Judaic history, and those Gentiles repented at the preaching. Sodom and the earth of Noah, had God winding up to hurl a stone at that them. Yet, even though they had Lot among them, with Abraham pleading with God to spare them, and Noah preaching to those around them. They still went on with their everyday lives without notice that their judgement was coming. To say that drag queens are a sign we are in the Great Tribulation is false. Because if that was the case, then Thailand should of burst into flames 40 years ago.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
There was a reason YAH destroyed Sodom. There was a reason Jesus used it for an example.
Maybe if you were smart enough to speak a language you actually knew, you might understand others.
Yet, again Jesus isn't focusing on homosexuyals in Noah's case or Sodoms. Jesus is focusing on judgement. Because the audience He was addressing where going to get hammered by the Romans
Luke 19:42-44. The days of Lot and Noah are focused around impending judgement, and that God was going to destroy them all. Yet, they would be eating drinking, building, selling, buying, and then sudden destruction came and took them all away
1 Thessalonians 5:3. Hey, Mike, you don't speak a word of Hebrew, so give Jesus a break, and call Him by His name, JESUS!
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
When wickedness become EXCEEDINGLY great as it was in the time of Sodom the thought of his appearing should be on our mind.
Mike we are told that the sin of Sodom was pride, gluttony, slothfulness, didn't care for those who were less fortunate. But manly they were arrogantly prideful, therefore they did detestable things. Buddy boy, you should of been tooting your horn against all of the wealthy aristocrats in Hollywood, New York, and Miami long ago. No, Mike, no apostle taught that when we see men having sex with men it was the end of the world.
It isn't the end of the world, it is the end of this country as we once knew it. It will be punished like every other country that becomes reprobate.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
The sins of Sodom were many. And yet the Spirit used the story of the sodomites trying to break down Lots door to rape the angels to forever stigmatize that prticular sin.
Did Jesus, point that out to His audience? Did Ezekiel point that out to His audience? Mike, YAH wants you to speak English.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Jesus could have used any other example of sin for people to watch out for in context of his coming but he chose the story of Sodom.
Mike, where did Jesus point out homosexuyality in reference to Sodom, or Noah? Because He makes the same statement with both stories.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Now I mentioned the President pushing Sodomite rights as an example of where our nation is.
Mike, that is nothing compared to all the presidents who came before him. My lands, take the wife to Washington D.C.! Go look at all the MASONIC symbols of the individuals who put this all together. Dude, if you think God was waiting for Donald Trump to have a reason to thrown down, then you don't know anything about this country. The owl on the dollar bill is laughing YAH, YAH, YAH, at you.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Everyone will do what they chose to do with the information. One may think I really need to pray for the President to back off the abomination. That would be Biblical.
No, what would be New Testament (you know the one that is written in Greek, not in HEBREW) you would pray that he get SAVED, (because he is already shaved). Pry that he repents, and is baptized in Jesus name. Hey, God did it for you, the woman screamed JESUS!!! You heard her do it enough tat you investigated, but when you looked it said
Acts 2:38 JESUS!!! Not YAH, you didn't see YAH, because you wouldn't of understood. Pray for the president to get Apostolically saved in JESUS name.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
If we are not RIGHT AT the time of the coming of Christ what will it hurt? Perhaps we can gain some more respite time.
Not right when Jesus come, then you don't go? Mike, you aren't going. You don't even know God's name.
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Or it COULD BE that the sign of Sodom means we are closer than we think and some might be touched in their heart to realize they are not where they need to be to meet their God.
Mike? Could Bes, Might Bes, and May Bes. I'm wrong but you are right? With your maybe theology? Go home with that. You are a joker.