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Old 05-08-2019, 04:42 PM
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Re: I Will Run-Misty Edwards

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
Ok Dom. Im trying to get to the truth of what you believe. Mike Blume has distanced his partial preterists beliefs from yours on the basis of the resurrection of the dead. He has pointed you out as a full preterist.

Dont split hairs over the word "rapture".
Split hairs over the word rapture? Is that like when I tired to explain the Greek ἀήρ which is translated to air found in 1 Thessalonians 4:17? You totally blew off the post for at least two pages? Mike, if I was a sister would you give me more attention? Would you then answer my questions after I tried to explain what I understood in the Greek of the chapter in question?
How many male friends do you have?

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
If you really dont believe in full preterism tell me where you differ from them. If you really dont believe Jesus came and resurrected the dead and gathered the elect and took them to Heaven I will apologize to the forum.
Resurrection and rapture isn't even synonyms in Dispensationalism. So, are all Dispensationalists saved? Because the resurrection isn't what is called the rapture. The second coming of Christ isn't a rapture either, because classical Dispensationalists teach that the rapture is phase one, and the resurrection is at the second coming when the souls returning with Jesus enter their bodies. We shall not all SLEEP? Mike, I always believed that you understood the soul sleep doctrine. But I guess you only are partial soul sleep. Anyway, I have explained this all before, I guess I'm the wrong gender for you to even have a REAL discussion.

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
And if you dont hold this faith destroying heresy why do you attack me over believing in the future great tribulation and the coming of Jesus to resurrect the dead and gather his elect and establish a literal kingdom on earth?
Attack you? Michael Victim Gibson? Mike, if I was still historic Post Tribulation I would have a problem with you. Eschatology is the very least of your problems Hoss. The videos I posted from you aren't even teaching videos, it is just you making stuff up as you go along. Heresy? Mike, buddy my pal o pal, listen. You defend Jesus breaking the Law for that effeminate guy's song. You defend the witch Misty Deadwards. Mike, do you Bible study men? Are men looking for you to teach them and work with them? Do the sinner unsaved husbands of saved saints you know respect you? Mike, go find a church and a VAIL TEACHING, BEARDED POST TRIBULATION pastor to mentor you. Join a church family with men who you can be accountable to.
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Old 05-08-2019, 08:10 PM
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Re: I Will Run-Misty Edwards

Resurrection and rapture isn't even synonyms in Dispensationalism. So, are all Dispensationalists saved? Because the resurrection isn't what is called the rapture. The second coming of Christ isn't a rapture either, because classical Dispensationalists teach that the rapture is phase one, and the resurrection is at the second coming when the souls returning with Jesus enter their bodies. We shall not all SLEEP? Mike, I always believed that you understood the soul sleep doctrine. But I guess you only are partial soul sleep. Anyway, I have explained this all before, I guess I'm the wrong gender for you to even have a REAL discussion.
You must believe the heresy you have been branded with. You cannot openly deny it. Just more dodging. Never mind.
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Old 05-08-2019, 08:48 PM
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Evang.Benincasa Evang.Benincasa is offline
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Re: I Will Run-Misty Edwards

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
You must believe the heresy you have been branded with. You cannot openly deny it. Just more dodging. Never mind.
Mike, I told you before, I explained what I believe with Greek. But alas you complained, and blew it off. Mike, we can sit on this forum where I can call you a liar, and you can call me a liar. Because that is your Christ likeness, your Christ perfection. Where you are perfect like Jesus. But the reality is your a hater, and while you accuse me of loving strife, you will spend the whole day checking your compute to see what I posted to you. Christ likeness? Your perfect? Then why don't you teach your form of eschatology to me? Three years I told you that if I am so wrong as you vehemently stated, then teach. But you refuse, because what you believe as in your video is maybes or could bes. Listen you believe Misty Edwards is godly? A guy singing about Jesus breaking the law is correct? Satan in a flying saucer? I'm a heretic? Then teach me, but you won't, because you can't teach anyone who questions your teachings. Never mind? What a man. Good luck with that,
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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