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Old 08-11-2017, 08:45 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post

Let me simply ask a couple questions. Moving forward:
Realistically, what do you wish to see happen?

What are you wanting from me?

How can this conflict be resolved?
Chris, misrepresenting people?


Bro, Matthew 15:12 is the disciples cautioning Jesus that He had offended the religious of Judea. Jesus' reply back to His group was this "Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. Disregard them, they be blind leaders of those who are blind. You just don't get it, this isn't me against thee. It is about the well needing not a physician, the only reason why I or others even reply to your postings is because they need to be dealt with. No one in their right mind could just stand back and watch you pontificate away, while you say things which are not only patently false but loosely researched.

Listen bro, you have men and women who didn't get into this thing last night. We have all been at it and not blindly as ILG would have everyone believe. Studying the etymology, going through the history, reading, researching. Believing that the Bible gave all the information that man would ever need to thoroughly understand it and live a spiritual life.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
That guy sounds like a creep. But, I'm no pastor with that bag of problems. I almost got into ministry, but I decided it wasn't for me after seeing the politics. I'm more of an average Joe Christian now who just wants to share what he's seen, learned, and experienced. I have my problems, I don't profess to be prefect. But nobody is other than Jesus. I even openly shared my battle with PTSD.
Houston already pointed it out, "that's not how this works."

Brothers are called into ministry by God. It isn't Helping Hands ministry where Joe and Rena decide they can fit it into their busy schedule. It is a life altering situation where you can never quit. You are in it because you were called to fulfill it. Bob Coy, built a Trinitarian 31 flavors church in Fort Lauderdale from a handful of people. He came out here with zero, and built the biggest shapeshifting 31 flavors, church of comfortable shoes. I brought him up to you, because you remind me of him. All the right jargon when the time arises, but when a pointy stick like me comes along, then you see the real deal. Legalism isn't a shirt and tie, legalism is saying and doing not. That is legalism. Son, is told to go out into the field and says YES, but never goes.

Bro, you posting out here that I PMed you taunts and insults?

That's isn't the truth. But you know why you posted that, you posted that way so you can allude to something much worse. Chris, you equated a child being burned on a stove and loosing all bodily functions with spanking. All, for your own revenge. Now, you want to move forward, you want resolve this? Sounds like the men I deal with from time to time who beat their wives senseless, or steal from their employers, or get into some other bad situations. They all want the same thing. How can we resolve this? But how can you resolve something when you are totally convinced that you are not to blame? Just like the guy who beats his wife because she pointed out the truth to him. She didn't nag him about something stupid, or meaningless. She was totally legit, she was merely stating a fact. Because people don't get mad when you lie about them because they know it's a lie. They get mad when you tell the truth on them. Your post to Votivesoul is that you were attacked by everyone? No, you were CORRECTED by everyone. You see that is what religious and political liberals want the confused to believe. That they are victims, any time their information falls flat on its face. Matt Burris' list was advocated by you! It is right there for everyone to see and read. Then if someone reads from that list to this point, they see your shapeshifting. As you are corrected, you morph into another form. Because you realize you never even RESEARCHED the mumbo jumbo witchcraft which is contained in Matt Burris' goof ball list. Listen, that isn't attacking, that is calling a spade and spade my boy.

I originally planned leaving you alone. But when I continually dealt with this thread with scripture, you chose to bonehead me with something about Jesus did things which weren't recorded in the Bible? Why? Was that supposed to be an option for me? Was I supposed to consider that? My lands, if we now can teach from silence, then who knows what sort of garbage can be labeled Jesus Name?

Chris, I'm real sorry, but bro, this is all a game to you, but to others it is the breath of life.

Bro, in order for YOU to resolve this?

Would be to heed your QWN advise, physician heal thyself.

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 08-13-2017, 07:04 AM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Votive, we could have taken a look at the list together, as brothers, and fleshed out the same details. We could have also discussed symptoms of oppression in greater detail and perhaps shared experience and understanding. This, I think could have benefited readers. What happened was ugly. Instead of reasoning together, there was a combined and very focused personal attack. Even multiple distortions to discredit me, my faith, my sincerity, and my salvation. Frankly, you guys turned on me like a pack of wild dogs..
Is this a joke? Drama queen much? You come on here like some pseudo exorcist and expect no one to call you on it? You posted a list that evidently you didn't read? Or did you feel like you had some greater enlightenment than the rest of us?

Do you take no responsibility for posting witchcraft as the answer to demonic possession? When called on it you argued... and not able to win, you are now a victim? Don't come here with that game, because I have played it many times myself and can see right through it.

When offered correction you had to prove that Aquila is right. No one was attacking you. It would have been irresponsible for the men of God posting here to let your post slip. Yeah, sure, this is just a forum. Do you know how many people seek google because they are afraid to talk to someone close to them? Your post could have led them into demonic possession.
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Old 08-13-2017, 07:46 AM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by houston View Post
Is this a joke? Drama queen much? You come on here like some pseudo exorcist and expect no one to call you on it? You posted a list that evidently you didn't read? Or did you feel like you had some greater enlightenment than the rest of us?

Do you take no responsibility for posting witchcraft as the answer to demonic possession? When called on it you argued... and not able to win, you are now a victim? Don't come here with that game, because I have played it many times myself and can see right through it.

When offered correction you had to prove that Aquila is right. No one was attacking you. It would have been irresponsible for the men of God posting here to let your post slip. Yeah, sure, this is just a forum. Do you know how many people seek google because they are afraid to talk to someone close to them? Your post could have led them into demonic possession.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 10-17-2018, 11:59 AM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

I was looking for a post by Esaias that evidently is not in this thread.

MM, it’s been just over a year since you posted this. Would you please gove us an update?
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Old 10-17-2018, 12:14 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Yes. Since then the dreams have been better but not completely gone. I have an idea as to why i have them. I do feel it is definitely a spiritual attack. I need to get stronger in spiriutal warfare.
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Old 10-17-2018, 12:20 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by houston View Post
I was looking for a post by Esaias that evidently is not in this thread.

MM, it’s been just over a year since you posted this. Would you please gove us an update?
What post were you looking for?
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Old 10-17-2018, 01:40 PM
houston houston is offline
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
What post were you looking for?
Honestly, may not even have been posted by you.

A post where you or someone says something about a woman “worshipping” possibly having a devil.
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Old 10-17-2018, 01:44 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by ModestMama View Post
Yes. Since then the dreams have been better but not completely gone. I have an idea as to why i have them. I do feel it is definitely a spiritual attack. I need to get stronger in spiriutal warfare.
Thanks for the update
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