Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen
This has nothing to do with him, (or at least for me) but you contradicting what you try to use as a rebuttal all the time when it's beneficial for you..
Could you not find a non political source that said the same thing? I'm sure you could, but you would accept it greater from a political figure in a Trinitarian pulpit...
The whole thing is lost on you bro.
I found it ironic that here's someone in the pulpit talking about brotherly love and unity over party in the body (a politician no less)... when 9 out of ten times, all you hear is pro-Republican and Trump rhetoric in most pulpits at some point from pastors. Just two weeks ago, I actually heard a pastor repeat that old fake news blurb about Robert Mueller advocating one world government, one world religion, and a one world leader. Then he said, "You know what spirit that is don't you? Antichrist. That's the spirit of those who oppose our President."
I kept my cool. And I listened to him fawn over Trump like a love struck lover for about 10 more minutes. All the while insinuating that to oppose Trump is to side with the Antichrist.
Oh the irony. lol